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How to manually install libraries?


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I recently installed Earth Simulations Isles of Scilly which I understand makes changes to autogen files and some autogen buildings. The user manual does mention if Orbx is installed to set it to Default mode before installing. However this is no longer possible with FTX Central v3, so I installed anyway. Now it seems as though it may have corrupted my Orbx libraries, as I have odd bright red buildings (part of the ES IoS scenery autogen) appearing elsewhere.  I would like to reinstall the Orbx Libraries in the hope it might resolve this issue, however my FTX Central v3 says the libraries are up to date. Jjst downloaded them manually, and your site states to then use "install via manual zip file" option within FTX Central. However  I can't find this option anywhere. How can I reinstall the latest Orbx Libraries zip file via FTX Central?




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Hi Stuart,


the Orbx versions of the autogen definition files are checked each time you run FTXCentral. Thus, just starting it, and clicking on the Settings button should restore those files.


To force FTXCentral to re-install a manually downloaded Orbx Libraries, exit FTXCentral, then navigate to \ORBX\User Documents\Versions and delete the FTX_AA_ORBXLIBS.TXT file, then re-start FTXCentral.


Cheers, Holger

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One other thought, since my issue seems to involve default autogen buildings that have been modified by ES. Does the Orbx Libraries update autogen, or is revised autogen buildings part of FTX Global?  If the latter is there also a similar way to reinstall Global?




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Holger or someone,

Re my above post, before I set about reinstalling the Orbx Libraries, can you confirm whether they do include the Orbx replacement autogen buildings or are they part of FTX Global, and if so can one reinstall Global and how via FTX Central v3?



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Hi Stuart,


it's the Orbx Libraries that contain the autogen control files.


What about my suggestion to run FTX Central once, selecting Settings, and then shutting it down again, did that not fix the issue?


Cheers, Holger

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