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FTX Global Base not working after install

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Hi Everyone,

I hope that someone may be able to help with the seemingly common issue of the FTX Global Base pack not installing correctly. I have looked through many of the other posts here and and have found several examples of very similar problems but the resolutions are not clear to me as i am not that computer literate. 


My son has just downloaded and installed FTX Central 3 and the FTX Global Base pack. Everything seemed to install okay but when we start FSX the scenery has not changed from the the standard FSX. If we look at the FSX scenery library the ORBX files look to have installed and FTX Central is showing the Global Base Pack as installed and up to date as shown in the attachment.


We have a PC with dual drives and FSX is installed on D: whereas FTX Central is on C:. I am not sure if this is what is confusing things as few of the other posts mention issues with the registry. 

Just to confuse things a  bit more we downloaded the free YMLT pack and this looks to have installed properly and has the new scenery, so the problem looks to be related only to the Global Base scenery.


Some other posts mention that you should have specific folders under the Orbx folder in FSX. I particular they show Data , FTX Global and FTX Central , we have none of these installed in the D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FSX\ORBX\Scripts folder


We have tried doing the install and re-install thing for the global base pack via FTX Central. This does not seem to have any effect. I was going to try and delete and re-install FTX Central but i cannot find how to un-install this as it does come up in Windows 10 as an installed app. Is there an easy way to do this or do we have just delete the files from the target directory ? I am reluctant to do this for fear of creating registry issues.


As mentioned above i am not that PC savvy and would appreciate if someone was able to help me work out what is going on.




Terry FSX.docx

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Hi Terry, Welcome to the forums,


From looking at your attached image, and account, everything appears to be installed correctly, so please have a look at the below link and report back. 


You could also please post some of your own screenshots for comparison.






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