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Help please for correct scenery layering

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I'm having a problem trying to see the correct scenery list in fsx steam .

i only have orbx eu Scotland and scotflight installed ,I would really appreciate if some one could point me in the right direction on how to correctly list the order of priority for the sceneries in fsx steam .

Im making a real Cessna home simulator and the orbx will be fantastic if I'm sure I have the correct priority list 

many thanks 

dave from Scotland 


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You can use FTX cenral to set the FTX scenery library entries.

The FTX icon should be below the lowest of any other addon scenery you may have and the OLC icon below the FTX one.

Don't forget to click on save.

Scotflight and EU Scotland together will produce many conflicts, it might be better to choose one or the other.


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Davemuir     0

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ID: 1   Posted just now · 

Thanks Nick 

I'll have a go at it over the next few days -

i was just a bit confused ,scotflight says it must be at the top and orbx was saying it has to be number 1 .

when I get on to the sim would it be ok to take a picture of the scenery list and see what you think ?

I also have black blocks scattered in the scenery but read somewhere that direct 10 has to be unticked in fsx which it wasn't ,so I'll change that too .

i think once I get the scenery cracked orbx will be fantastic -

i had made a home 737 sim over the last 5 years and decided to sell it to a flying school in Glasgow ,in return I acquired a real Cessna 152 which I was as looking for for my next home project -

having good scenery is a must with for vfr  as opposed to ifr ,but I'll get there lol.

best regards 

Dave  from St. Andrews in Fife Scotland 

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Thanks Nick 

I'll have a go at it over the next few days -

i was just a bit confused ,scotflight says it must be at the top and orbx was saying it has to be number 1 .

when I get on to the sim would it be ok to take a picture of the scenery list and see what you think ?

I also have black blocks scattered in the scenery but read somewhere that direct 10 has to be unticked in fsx which it wasn't ,so I'll change that too .

i think once I get the scenery cracked orbx will be fantastic -

i had made a home 737 sim over the last 5 years and decided to sell it to a flying school in Glasgow ,in return I acquired a real Cessna 152 which I was as looking for for my next home project -

having good scenery is a must with for vfr  as opposed to ifr ,but I'll get there lol.

best regards 

Dave  from St. Andrews in Fife Scotland 

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