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Slower Performance in fps with Orbx added

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I just purchased and installed FTX Global Base Pack, FTX Global Vector, Open LC North America and Europe, and  FTX Global Trees for FSX-SE.


Had the problem with black squares with DirectX 10, resolved by the AVSIM Library File.


I have the recommended settings set per the user guides. My fps is all over the map between 13 to 20, and sometimes creeps up to 25 fps, noticeably slower than before, can I tweak anything to get this better?


My video card is not the latest greatest unfortunately...


Here is my system:


i7-6700K 4 GHZ CPU


Windows 10 Home 64 bit

NVDIA GeForce GTX 750 TI



Active Sky 2016 for FSX

PMDG 747-400 and PMDG 777 I primarily fly


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Welcome to the forum Captain Al!


First thing I'd so is use SCE, the freeware scenery Config Editor or SimStarter.  This way you can upload all the scenery and airports you don't need.

Then I'd start moving the sliders back a little at a time till you find the sweet spot.  Unfortunately, in my experience with FSX Boxed and P3D 3.4 I know some areas are very heavy hitters compared to others.  Like KSEA area, I read that this is a coding in MS's original work.


I have the new 747 and it's a major heavy hitter.  I have to drag my sliders most of the way left.  I even created several graphics settings files, one is 747.  I load it when I want to fly it and only the two airports I'll be using, plus I'll keep on Global and NA/ L/C.


Best of luck, hope this helps, I'm not the smartest at his but I do a lot of testing.

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