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ESSA taxiway bridges high walls


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I wish I could understand Swedish, then I might have found the solution in the other topic about this issue.



Nope, didn't fit. Erm, maintenance, there's a, erm, scrape in the cowling. The height of the portals seems to differ depending on the viewing angle.


Unless we want do solve this in English, I could offer German... :D




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Good day Boris,

I hope you are having a nice weekend!

I'm sorry to see that we've had discussions in Swedish, that will not happen again, of course everyone should be able to understand. I live in Germany though, but my german is "schlecht", so better stick to english ;)


What is your mesh setting in the simulator?

The issues other people has had is that jump up and become even higher than the wings, I'm glad to see that you don't seem to have that problem though ;) Or are you having issues like that as well?

That issue was (hopefully) taken care of with the latest patch.


We have done a complete replacement of all bridges with a different technique for the next patch which will hopefully take care of any artefacts there still is. 


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