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Global: NZ Corruption

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When flying over NZ I noticed several large areas of corrupted land (JPG).


This is FSX:SE with Pilots Global 2010 ORBX friendly mesh installed (I tried de-activating this but no change).


I have Global and Vector installed and active; other FTX products are not active.


In trying to correct this, I took some time to reorganise my scenery.cfg and order, and in so doing I noticed that the FTX Global V3 tool, a strange entry was listed (JPG).


Any and all help appreciated.





fsx 2017-03-17 09-41-45-95.jpg

Strange Scenery Config Entry.jpg

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Hi Fabio


I am not sure what this (JPG) is that you are referring to? But that highlighted entry you are showing in your FTXC3 looks corrupt and I think would look like the below example at the top of your scenery.cfg in Notepad, keep in mind that you can not move scenery around with FTXC3, you can only set the insertion points.


Title=FS9 World Scenery
Description=FS9 Scenery Data


 I would start FSX, ensure all of your 3rd party addons are at the top of your scenery library and above your FTX entries, and be sure to check enable all of the scenery entries. and shut down FSX.

Then in FTX Central 3 Insertion points, move "FTX entries should be inserted below"  just below your last 3rd party addon.

Then move the "openLC entries should be inserted below"  just below your FTX entries. and click "Save".

Then run the "Force Migration" option.

Then go to your C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\FSX folder and delete the entire "SceneryIndexes" folder, then restart FSX and it will build a new one. 




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