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Rex Jetstream


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Ok Dale,

Who's a lucky boy?

Sitting around today, so I put my skills to good use. Was this what you were asking for?

Hope you like. I'll email you the file and then send it over to OZx for anyone else who wants it.

You also gave me a great idea for another new Ozzie Jetstream paint. Keep your eye's peeled for a "special", coming soon...

It's all pretty easy once you have a white paint kit...hehe


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Flippin' heck Frank, it seemed like only a couple of hours ago that we talked about this!  Fantastic work mate, thanks very much!  I really do owe you a few coldies now mate!  ;D;)

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Yeah John,

A sausage roll.

I'm letting the cat out of the bag here, but the one I'm working on now is another Rex (fictional) paint, "The City of Tamworth". They have a nice "City of Wagga Wagga" paint, so this might be nice to fly around Tamworth in to view the spectacular scenery.


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Arrrggghh stop it please! ;D Credit card is now being inserted into an icecream container which I will freeze, then I will repeat the words: no I will not, no I will not

can PMDG disguise the transaction to make it look like a power bill payment?

I just told the missus that if she see's PMDG on the credit card bill, it is for a "Professional Manuals Directory Guide" that I need for study purposes...... yes, I know I'm going to pay for it somewhere down the track.....  ;)

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