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John York

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Just a quickie to say how impressed I am with Tamworth.  After all the hype about the resolution (which is great by the way) I must say I treated what I had read and heard about its negligible affect on frame rates with a certain amount of scepticism.

However, as usual, I kept to my normal 'Australian' settings and with everything ticked in the control panel, had a good look round and eventually took off with my eyes firmly fixed on the frame counter.....at no time at all did the figure go any lower than 24 and that only for a second.  Most of the time, using my usual 'unlimited' it was between 30 and 40 fps!

So, well done you Orbx fellers.  It just shows that very acceptable performance can be had from the most detailed and high resolutioned scenery providing the designers/developers kno what they're doing. 

Some lessons could be learned there by some of the guys of other firms - some of the aircraft builders for example who's 'planes seem destined to only fly once because of their awful effect on frame rates!

I repeat, very well done and thank you the Orbx team.


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