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New FTX website coming soon! Want your best screenshots featured on it?

John Venema

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Hello all,

FTX is getting a fresh new look, a new website and more!

Here's your chance to have your best and finest screenshots featured on the product pages. To have them considered for inclusion, please follow the guidelines below and then attach your shots to this topic.

Submission guidelines

1. Minimum size of 1024x768

2. High quality JPG please

3. No aircraft in the shots, scenery only

4. Can be from any Orbx product

5. Please specify the AU region and location the shot is taken in

6. You may use REX or default environment

7. You may use the HDR tweak (ENB series dll)

8. Please select only your very best shots. Don't spam too many ;)

9. Only single monitor shots (no TH2go, sorry)

10. NO edits please - v key only

Be creative!  Imagine if you were a potential customer viewing the site for the first time. What is it about the Orbx stuff that makes you go "wow"! That's what we're after.

Please note we do not guarantee your shots will be used - we only have room for about 400 screenshots on the whole site. Also we will not be crediting screenshot authors on the site.

There's no prizes, just bragging rights.

Thanks in advance for your submissions!

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Forgot to mention:

Because this thread will get quite long, please, no replies to each submitted set of shots, or any other questions. i.e, I don't want anyone to respond to other people's shots with 'nice!' etc. If you want feedback please feel free to post your shots in normal posts on this screenshot forum as well.

I will delete any non-screenshot submission posts from this pinned topic.

If you have clarifying questions, please post them in a seperate post on this screenshot forum beginning with "FTX site screenshot question:"

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Here are a few broad daylight shots:

House Roof Hill, East of Wyndham, Western Australia (AU Green)

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The following three shots are from around Kununurra, Western Australia (AU Green)

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These two shots show the Northern part of Lake Argyle, Western Australia (AU Green)

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Saw Ranges, Western Australia (AU Green)

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Bedford Downs, Western Australia (AU Green)

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Some highway (probably Gold Fields Hwy) in the middle of nowhere, WA (AU Red)

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A water pump South of Leigh Creek, South Australia (AU Red)

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The woods West of Canberra, New South Wales (AU Blue)

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And the last four shots: Canberra, ACT (AU Blue)

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Scenes from around SE Qld and Northern NSW

- simple V key shot with cropping to remove the FSX tool bar and resizing to meet requirements

From around Byron Bay looking West towards McPhearson Range

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From Hinze Dam looking South towards Mt. Warning

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From Hinze Dam looking towards Gold Coast

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Thanks everyone! We have all the images (in fact about 200 more than we need!!) for the website, so many thanks for the contributions. As I mentioned your shots may not appear on the site since we have a ton of Orbx staff contributions also, but I guess you find out soon enough. All shots went into a big pea soup of screenshots which I then selected the ones which caught my eye, so there was no real science to the selection process.

I'll lock and unsticky this topic now - thanks again everyone, and there were plenty of real beauties in that lot!  :)

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