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Whoopee! A Force Migration Tool In Central 3.1


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I can not explain exactly what it does, but I can explain the results my using it Jim.. Every time I make any changes in the sim, I first run Global Vector, and then "Force migration" and to date I have had little or no elevation problems. With Force Migration now available in Central, this operation is much simpler.Teecee.

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When you start Central for the first time it asks for a unified lookup migration. Sometimes this does not work and you are left with files showing red in the troubleshooter as not migrated.In the old v3 one had to delete all the .mig files to try to get Central to ask for a migration again to fix the problem. Something I could never get to work. I believe this tool, which by the way was included in Central 2, forces a re migration to fix the problem. Correct me if I'm wrong.



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