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Memory Problem


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Hey Guys,

I have my E8400 running at 3.60ghz stable on stock cooling with DDR2 800mhz RAM.....4gb (2 x 2048

I have just tried to swap it with 4gb (2 x 2048) of Corsair Dominator 1066..

Now,forgive me for being ignorant but if I just swapped the memory modules over should my system automatically boot and pick it up...

With it installed I can't even POST...if I revert back to my 800mhz all is fine...

Am I missing something!!!...Is there anything in the bios I need to alter to accept the new RAM..

I have a Gigabyte GA-EP35-DS3R motherboard...

Any help would be appreciated before I come to the conclusion they are bad sticks and return them!!

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Try one stick at a time, also go in bios and try setting the voltage for ram manually @2.1v I think thats the spec for the Dominators you have. Its unfortunate some Mobos just dont pick and set the correct voltages, try this jump in the bios with your old ram go to the mem volts and set 2.1v save it in bios and then once you are shut down install the new ram you have. I have seen this prob numerous times and its usually the Volts for the ram not being picked up by Bios correctly.

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A computer will always automatically load in a ram speed slower than the one you have put in.  This is so that it can reboot itself in the event of a failure. You should be able to see the ram setting printed on the side of the sticks so that you can program your Bios to the right settings.


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Thanks Jim,

Can't for the life of me see where to alter it in the BIOS

The manual should give you directions, its definitely there you will find something like DRAM / DDR Volts in the advanced settings usually. You will find its set on auto @1.8v and its not changing too 2.1v with new ram and hence why its not booting with new ram which must be set manually at 2.1v. Keep at it its in there, oh and by the way try and update your bios to a newer version may address the problem I think Gigabyte has a utility to flash within windows but dos is safer go to there site and have a look for the utilty and latest bios file for your motherboard.


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