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free demo question


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I can't get it to run. I still have the old scenery. When FSX booted up for the first time it installed the scenery but partway through came up with things like "cannot find such and such scenery file" about three times. I'm interested in purchasing the whole of Australia, but not if I can't even get the demo working.

I hope this is the right forum to be asking this question.

Is there something I can do to get FSX to recognize the scenery?

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Hi there, and welcome :)

Can you tell us a bit about your PC?

Which OS are you running?

If it's Vista, have you tried running the installer as Administrator? If you have User Account Control turned on, can you turn it off and see if that resolves any issues?

Can you confirm that an ORBX folder has been created inside your FSX folder?

Did you allow the installer to use your FSX installed path for the installation? The ORBX folder cannot be located outside of the main FSX folder.

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Here's my specs.

As far as installing it into FSX, the program doesn't allow me to. It says "FTX AUBlue Tasmania demo will be installed to C:\Program Files\Orbx. There is no browser option to change the path. All that is left is for me to click on start. And no, there is no Orbx folder in my main FSX folder. It won't allow me to install it there.

Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600)

Motherboard BIOSTAR Group Model GF7050V-M7

BIOS Phoenix AwardBios v6.00PG

Intel Duel CPU E2200 @ 2.2GHz (2 CPUs)

2046MB RAM

DirectX 9.0c

NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT

Integrated RAMDAC

512 MB

Driver (latest driver from NVIDIA)

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OK thanks for that info. Basically, you're missing the FSX windows registry entry. All Orbx installers (and indeed 99% of all FS addon installers) rely on FSX being correctly installed with the registry entry in place.

Visit http://fullterrain.com/registry to download and run a little tool we've created which fixes that.

The reason you don't have a registry entry for FSX is either because you copied it from another PC or drive, or did not install it properly from the Microsoft DVDs.

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"The reason you don't have a registry entry for FSX is either because you copied it from another PC or drive, or did not install it properly from the Microsoft DVDs."

I don't know exactly what you're implying by this, but I installed FSX directly from the DVD's which I paid for and still own, and have registered with Microsoft. I installed it directly to my computer, and did not copy it from anywhere. I have no problem whatsoever installing REX, UTX, and GEX, in whatever folder I want via a browser option that is with EVERY previous software package/installer I have purchased.

Why is it that whenever a user has a problem with certain developers software, and it doesn't work properly or even install properly, you always insult the user? This is NOT a problem with my system...this IS a problem with your installer. And if the demo won't install properly, I can only assume the final product won't install properly either, and then you'll insinuate that I don't have a valid copy of FTX Australia. I'm VERY disappointed in your assistance.

I would like to try the demo, but if you insist that because your installer doesn't do things properly and therefore I must have "copied" FSX, I'll take it that your sales are doing so well you could care less if I purchased your product or not.

Good day gentlemen.

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The AU_Blue Demo must be installed in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X due to the nature of the add-on

if it is then the installer will have no problem, otherwise run the reg fixer tool JohnV pointed you towards, delete the erroneous ORBX folder in C:\Program Files\Orbx and re-install the demo

whats happening is that the installer cannot find your FSX installation properly, hence the demo not working

We are not insinuating anything, just helping you to get up running :)



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I went to the place you suggested and read what was there. Believe me, I have never had THAT window pop up and inform me that FSX is not noticed in the registry. THAT is not the problem. At the installation screen, I simply don't have the option to change the directory. With EVERY other program I have EVER installed, there is the option to browse to the directory of your choice. Am I missing something in the installation screen? It has installed, the ORBX directories as the directories are in my scenery folder, it just states that some files are missing when fsx rebuilds the scenery. If my problem seems not to have a solution, I'll just have to chalk it up to...I don't know what...but I don't understand why it doesn't give me the option you say I need. Does the demo perhaps install differently than the final product?

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I can assure you that we're not trying to insult you or insinuate anything. The simple fact is this: you don't have a valid registry entry for FSX. Whether that is because your Windows Registry is corrupted or you have moved your original FSX installation is unsure - but regardless of where you told the original Microsoft DVDs to install your FSX, their installer writes a registry entry which is what all our installers will find. Simple as that :)

The reason our installers don't allow editing of the destination path is also simple: ORBX products will not work if they are installed outside of the FSX root folder. So there's little point in allowing the option for customers to change the installation path to another folder if it means our products won't work.

Rather than fly off the handle and spit the dummy, if you had just run the tool which I linked you to and then re-run the demo installer, you'd be up and flying in the sim by now instead of stoushing with us on the forums.

I'm afraid we can't offer you any better assistance than what has been given, and if that means you won't try the demo, that's your call, really.

The demo has been downloaded and installed by well over 50,000 people and we have rarely had any issues over the past year or so.

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Ok, I did exactly as you said. I downloaded the program. Clicked on it to RUN. Found the path where FSX is installed. Opened it. It stated it had been corrected. Went to ORBX Demo installer. Clicked on it. Checked the box that states I accept ALL the conditions. Ready to install...same path...c:/Program Files/ORBX

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Hmm, that all sounds normal, so yes that's a bit odd indeed.

OK, there is another freeware tool you may want to try: http://tweakfs.com/download/fsx_reg_utility.zip

This tool will try to locate and display your registry info. If it does not find it, then you navigate to your FSX folder and add it in.

Let me know if you have better results with that.

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