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Strange textures and water every where


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I have located and read posts in this forum about the scenery issues I am experiencing.  But I want to start a new topic about my problem specifically.  I have been using FSX and ORBX for years with few problems.  I am now using FSX-SE and have been for about a year now. I have completely uninstalled the FSX boxed edition.  About 2 weeks ago I started having the issues shown in the screenshot.  

This just started recently while flying in Europe.  I went back to North America to see if the problem was there and it was.  There are large and small patches of strange texture and water everywhere.  Most of them change to land terrain as I fly along. They popup all over the place.  It looks terrible and I need to get it fixed.  What could have happened to get this started all of a sudden?  I have seen other posts about this same subject.  Has anyone solved this problem?



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  • 1 month later...

I tried Holger's fix but it did not solve the problem.  I have also tried resetting my scenery.cfg file with ACE and doing a forced migration, nothing has worked, still looking for a solution. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

A miracle has happened.  All of a sudden my textures have gone back to normal.  I had this texture problem for 3 or 4 months and it was driving me crazy.  I tried every solution I could find on the ORBX forums and nothing would fix the problem.  I had pretty much given up on finding a solution.  One day last week I loaded up a flight and realized that the weird textures and water issues were gone.  During the past week I have been going to all the places I was having the worst problems and everything is now OK.  The sad part is that I don't know what caused things to go back to normal.  I would love to be able to help all the others that are having this problem but can't.  I guess it was just a miracle.

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If you ever do figure out what might have changed for the better please let me know.  I continue to have this problem, posted in the forum but no response yet.


My problem mostly occurs around default airports, but also some random areas.  It seems more common in desert terrain.  I am using FSX Gold boxed, though I have steam on my computer I don't use it.


Also tried all the fixes above.



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  • 3 weeks later...


I am still crazy texture free.  I use FSX Steam Edition. I previously used the boxed but have now removed it from my computer.  I was having this texture problem everywhere.  I tried flying all over the world and it was the same everywhere.  When it first started Southern Alaska and Europe were OK, but those also became infected eventually.  I had pretty much given up on fixing it and all of a sudden it was good again.  I hadn't tried any fixes for a week or so when it all came back, whatever it was it fixed itself.  Did your problem start all of a sudden or a little at a time?

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I think it started a little bit at a time, mostly it was around default airports on the US west coast, but it seemed like gradually more airports and then some open areas started to get it, most bizarre.  But the fix from Nick Cooper discussed in this thread seemed to solve it  : 

I only did the fix he talked about April 22nd (replacing the iclookup.bgl file) and that solved the default airports and it looks like other areas for me.  That thread then goes on though with the original poster saying the default areas looked fixed, but the Orbx areas still had problems.  For that on the 23rd Nick provided a batch file to run.  I haven't tried that because I only have the ORBX free demos, and I don't know that I want another change to my sim configuration that I don't know how to undo.  I also haven't flown into any of the areas in the demos so I don't know how those textures are on my machine, but I'm happy to have my default textures fixed.


I have another problem though that may or may not be related.  During a long flight (close to two hours) suddenly I'll have object textures disappear.  Most irritating is the aircraft I'm flying will have no textures, no inside or outside textures, and no virtual cockpit (its like it turns into an invisible plane).  Also textures for AI aircraft will disappear, and on third party airports some building textures will vanish (like roofs, or some walls, not all of them though like with the aircraft).  The only way to get them back seems to be to restart the sim (though I have more things I plan to try next time it happens).  I do save flights every 15 minutes or so which means re-starting the sim doesn't cause me to lose a long flight, but certainly takes away a bit.  I don't know that this is at all related to the Orbx problem, but it happened shortly after the texture problem, and I don't remember making any other changes or add ons to the Sim except changes related to trying to fix that problem (the Holgrom morphing fix in the FAQ system).  It does seem like some type of lack of memory problem.  When I get time I plan to completely uninstall the Orbx demos (which there are some steps to follow in the FAQ) and see if that solves this new problem, but again it may be unrelated.


I'd like to spend more time flying and less time fixing through.  Had this not happened I would have jumped on the sale they are having, but I'm a little cautious now and would like to figure out the problem I still have, and see if they give more info on the original problem.

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