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FTX Global Lights Query


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Possibly a strange query...but here goes!! Not sure which forum to put it in, if its in the wrong one, pleae feel free to move it!!


I believe the Global Lights are classed as "autogen" i.e. the further to the right the autogen slider is, the more lights that will appear in the sim.


My query is simply can I somehow, increase the number of lights, without having to push the autogen slider further right??


By way of explanation for this request is that, admittedly, my system is, at best, outdated and , at worst, a heap of dung - however with reasonable/sensible settings I can hit 30 fps in most areas, dropping to 10-15 in heavier areas for the type of flying I like (or can manage to fit in with work/kids/wife etc!!). I enjoy night flying (as that helps frames too!!) and would like to get more of a light effect but without the cost of more autogen buildings/trees.


I am aware that "flags" (possibly wrong description) can be set for items such as jetways in that you can, via ADE, manage when a jetway is displayed i.e. at sparse/normal/dense etc - could anything similar be achieved through some editing for the autogen lights??


I am also aware of the cfg settings that can be used such as TERRAIN_MAX_AUTOGEN_TREES_PER_CELL & TERRAIN_MAX_AUTOGEN_BUILDINGS_PER_CELL - could these be used to increase the lights without increasing trees & buildings (& if so, are the lights seen by FSX as Buildings, or Trees!?!)


Thanks in advance of any responses.





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Hi Steve,


sorry but those lights cannot be controlled independently meaning they behave just like autogen trees and buildings in that each slider step to the left will decrease their density by randomly removing 20% of them.


That being said the new openLC 3D lights use a different approach and their display is controlled with the Scenery Complexity slider. Those are the ones with a separate entry in the scenery library, namely FTX_NA_!OLC_LIGHTS and the equivalent one for openLC EU.


Cheers, Holger


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Hi Matt/Holger


Thanks for the response....and it does kind of give me the answer I wanted...indirectly.


It is actually the openLC lights I was more interested in - i.e. the newer lights on major roads/highways on openLC EU & openLC USA


So in simple terms, if I push the Scenery Complexity slider to the right, I should get more of the openLC lighting effect?


Thanks again & regards



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