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Regarding DVD ftx England updates


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Good  evening Folks

I have a DVD version of ftx  England and,  having just ported my other scenery over from FSS, I notice that there are updates for England that have been kindly loaded on to this Forum for DVD owners. Just a couple of questions,


1) Does update number 5 incorporate all other updates or do I need to install 1-5 in sequence?


2) the following statement is made on the update page "These downloads are mainly for users that have DVD originals and have not cross graded their product (i.e. a digital version)." What is meant by cross grading the product?


Thanks in advance apologies if I have missed something along the way but I am still recovering from a very traumatic upgrade to Windows 10!! Long long story............

Compliments of the Season to one and all,



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Hello Terry,

welcome to the forums.

Please install all the updates one after the other.

Before 1st November this year, a DVD bought from the Flight Sim Store could be converted to

a downloaded product by buying it again for $0.00.

A DVD product bought from anywhere else could be converted to a downloaded product by

producing evidence of its purchase and paying a small fee.

This was given the name "cross grade".


Following the launch of Orbx Direct, both of these options were discontinued but an undertaking

was given that the "cross grade" process or something similar would be re-introduced.

This has not yet taken place.

A Happy New Year to you too.

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Hello Nick

Thank you for the prompt reply and for answering my queries. My England DVD was purchased from Flight Store in the UK who may know as suppliers of real world pilot and aircraft stuff as well as some flightsim bits.

Have been a happy  user (and buyer!) of Orbx products for around 5 years now and am liking the new set up.



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