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FTX Global sceneries not showing up after install

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Hey everybody,


I know this has been a common issue, but I haven't been able to find a solution that fits me yet.


I am running FSX:SE and just bought the FTX Global Base package. I downloaded FTX Central 3 and installed the scenery as well as the ORBX libraries. I get into the game however and the stock scenery still shows. All of my FTX and ORBX labeled sceneries are at the top of my Scenery Library.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.





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Hey Doug. Thanks for the reply.


I read through the link you gave me and I went around to some other destinations in the world to check for a difference, including the Manchester one, but with no luck. Anything I can do to fix this?





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Well I am a bit baffled lol. so maybe try the registry fix tool found in Nicks post# 15 in the below link, to make sure FTXC3 is pointed towards your FSX SE install, and you might have to then do an uninstall from the blue uninstall button in FTXC3 and then a reinstall to your newly discovered FSX SE install.



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I cleared everything ORBX related from my system and ran both the Tweak FS tool and the ORBX registry tool. The ORBX tool still says that it can't find any simulators and I wasn't prompted to choose a sim. I turned off UAC and checked the folder, but I still only have the 5 .c3json files, no normal .json files.

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Ya, that's normal, it will only let you select an insertion point for FTX products. I sure hope someone else sees all the info in this thread and gets some other ideas lol


Are you operating as administrator on your PC? Or right click on FTXC3 and select run as administrator.





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