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FSX-SE and FTX Central. An ongoing test of patience...

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Hi folks,


My first post here and I suspect not my last..! I have spent what seems like countless hours / days trying to fix what is I'm sure ultimately a simple problem - but no luck so far. And yes I have scoured this forum for the missing key to the problem.


I recently upgraded to a (highly speced) PC and started with a clean install of FSX-SE on the A: drive - a partition of the SSD. I installed FTX Central 3.0 on the same drive. 


Before committing to purchase my plan was/is to see how the ORBX Demos worked.. So Iceland and Tasmania have been downloaded and the subject of numerous failed attempts to get them working. The best success I had was to be able to point the FSX scenery settings at YMLT - and I actually was able to see some ORBX scenery in action - that was indeed impressive. But that's as far as the success goes, and that was clearly done outside FTX Central.


I understand, from all that I have read, that the problem lies with the confused locations of FSX and FSX-SE paths and registry entries. (I haven't mentioned so far that I went through the same round of fun on my old rig - with no success. In that case there was history of a previous installation of (non-steam) FSX, and the previous version of FTX Central 3 with a bug in the setup for FSX-SE..)


But on my new rig there was no FSX history, and FTX Central is updated with the bug fixed. As a test to see if I could get something to work I purchased the Orbx RV-4 - which I'm pleased to say does work fine (oil permitting..!).


After (another) clean install, the setup is as follows:


C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\FSX   - contains Scenery.CFG etc.


A:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FSX  - contains the FSX files



HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator\10.0

SetupPath    A:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FSX   (edited before FTX Central was installed)


A:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FSX\ORBX\FTX_AU   - now contains the 5 folders of Tasmania files



Can someone please explain - in straightforward steps - what I need to do to get FSX-SE and Orbx scenery talking to each other?


Many thanks,



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You do seem to have done everything right.

When you start FTX Central, does it offer you a start menu to choose a simulator or does it just start?

If it is the second, what simulator does it think it is working with, you will see this at the left side of the

window header?

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Once again, you do seem to have done it all as you should have.

If you see no scenery library entries, start FTX Central v3 and wait a little while until it has completely finished working.

There will be a short delay before it writes to the scenery library.

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I have never seen any ORBX scenery library entries at all in FSX (other than when I forced YMLT in there manually). Nothing at all changes in FSX when I start FTX Central - even after a delay.

FTX Central, when inspected, just reports that AU Tasmania Demo is 'installed and up-to-date'.

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I am experiencing this exact problem in almost the same way.  I, too, rebuilt my machine this weekend, and decided to install the Iceland demo first to see what my new rig is capable of.  But no texture changes will take place, still the same old FSX.  When Iceland didn't work, I tried Tasmania as well.  Nothing.  I did get the "updating scenery files" when I started FSX SE, but no scenery changes were made. No other FSX versions have been installed.  Looking forward to the solution.

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Interestingly, installing all of my other Orbx sceneries fixed the Iceland demo.  FSX asked me to approve "objectflow.dll" or something like that.  Could that be it?  


Also, not that my sceneries are installed, FSX keeps crashing.  No crashing before scenery installation.

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Yes, I have tried both demos in a default version of FSX-SE.

I can confirm that neither will work until the Orbx Libraries are installed.

Given that FTX Central v3 shows a prompt that the libraries require

an update, I suspect that the prompt would have to ignored to allow the

error to occur.

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Thank you Nick, this was indeed the problem for me. I was pretty sure I had tried that in one of my previous attempts, but maybe something else was not set correctly then.


Anyway, I can now see Tasmania in very impressive detail. I am very relieved..! I can also now proceed with confidence to purchase the scenery have been planning for a while.


As a newcomer to Orbx scenery, as I guess most people trying the demos might be, I would suggest it would be extremely helpful if there was a note somewhere explaining that these libraries also have to be installed in order for the demos to work.


Many thanks again,


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Noted Nick, thank you.

On the plus side, I am pleased to report that I have been busy exploring the new world according to Orbx, and it continues to impress. G Base is now explored; Vector next, then most likely England. I'm particularly looking forward to returning to Popham - I haven't been there for ages. I can't get hold of anything real that's small enough to get in there these days.. B)

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