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First flight with the A2A Piper J-3 Cub

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It was great flight with a nervous Heidi. She didn't complain about the flight but got scared when the ground came closer on final approach. And my landing was a little rough which she didn't like at all ("What are you doing?!"). The Cub handles absolutely great and the sound makes you feel like being there. The take off from Cessnock felt surreally real. Definitely recommended! ;)

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I just need to know if the Accu-Sim add-on things is worth having as well before I get it?  ???

It sure is! Accusim is what make this aircraft worthwile by adding new physics, the passenger, engine life based on handling etc.!

And this is what happens when you brake too much after touchdown. Crap!

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With that lovely lady onboard I do hope you were the perfect gentleman... ;)

Sure! ;)

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Nice one - thanks for the very quick reply much appreciated. That's a done deal then... off I go to buy... still miffed that my Tamworth download failed but this should help take my mind off it!  ;D

Possibly a silly question, but is the Accu-sim thing a one-off purchase kinda thing or is it a specific option for various A2A aircraft as and when you get it?

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Possibly a silly question, but is the Accu-sim thing a one-off purchase kinda thing or is it a specific option for various A2A aircraft as and when you get it?

It's a specific expansion tailored for the aircraft in question, because they all work rather different. When buying the Cub don't forget to tick the box to bundle it with Accu-Sim right away. You save $5 that way.

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Thanks again - my last question was pretty much answered when I went through with the purchase.

Getting dire download speeds again though - not happy just 30Kb/sec, it's like being back on dial-up today. Still at least it's a relatively small download this time. Just 1:20 to go.

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This is a must have purchase that is for sure.  And I get as good FPS as the default club even with Heidi on board.  A2A sure has this down to a since now.  Also I have an 5 year old P4 processor and get about 25 fps compared to about 26 with default club.  Outstanding stuff.  :o

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And this is what happens when you brake too much after touchdown. Crap!

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Or if you have a sticky trigger on your joystick that you use for brakes like me!  ;)

Still less of a problem than when trying to use FsPassengers (I saw your post on other forum Jigsaw), I did try modifying the existing config file for the Cub on that but the problem persists. I might have a go at creating a new .ini payload file from scratch, I made one for the Duke that seems to be quite good - if anyone wants it?

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There was a good tip from someone over there regarding FSPassengers: simply not allowing FSP to change the weight and fuel in the payload manager (apparently there is an option for that) and then adding the weight and fuel in the Pipers's own payload manager.

I'm 99% sure I tried that thinking that it would get around the problem, but it still happens. I was wondering if it was down to accu-sim rather than FsPassengers that caused the Cub to flip forward.  :-\

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Nope. Just flying Heidi as a FSPX passenger. Works like a charm. :)

Well I tried it again still no joy, but then tried it with another payload file I had created for the Duke (Yes I know it's completely wrong) and that worked ok so I took it there was something amiss with the original Cub payload. Anyway, I ended up creating a new one from scratch, you are more than welcome to a copy of both that and/or the one I created for the Duke.  ;)

The only slight problem I now have is that FsPassengers penalises me for not setting the correct flaps during take-off and landing - how the hell I'm supposed to do that when they don't exist I have no idea!  ::)

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Thank you, but I don't have the Duke (and probably never will, I don't like it) and since I'm gonna visit the Cub payload manager anyway to add Heidi when flying an FSPassengers flight, I'm good for now. ;)

For further reference, this is what's important to make it work:

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So, you are only set for use with the Accu-Sim passenger when that red massage appears.

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Thanks Jigsaw, I was just quietly accepting that fact I couldn't use the Cub with FSXpax+Heidi, 10 flip-overs in a row was enough for me to stop trying

as for the flaps penalty, I also had this issue with the Catalina, and after reading the FSXpax forums, it was a simple tweak of the options.cfg to remove that, have not bothered adding it back again

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