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Catalina - Strange Scenery Objects


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Strange objects at Catalina KAVX





and at the isthmus



The isthmus ones have gone after new install but the airport ones are persistent although not all of the time. Did note the guys standing by the DC-3 when objects present and when not.




Looks like the gear belongs to them - I just wish they would hang onto it.

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Congratulations, you have joined a very select club of people who for some reason have an issue with the headpone guy, I've not seen the hairy heads before though! I made a fix for the headphone guy, its attached below, drop the file into ...\Orbx\FTX_AU\FTXAA_ORBXLIBS\Scenery\


You also have no autogen trees showing, is this intentional? are you running FSX or FSX-Steam?



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Thanks Tim for the quick response. Headphone guy no longer employed. As regards the autogen that is definitely not intentional. I have been so engrossed in the other matter, deleting, re installing looking everywhere that I had not noticed. Now a big worry as it seems that it is not just KAVX. I have checked other sceneries and it seems to be that all ORBX products are affected.

Am running FSX boxed SP2. I think has happened with Central v3 and migration. Have had morphing problems mainly YPMQ but all seems to have settled except no autogen.

Regards, Graeme

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Hi Graeme,


Make sure you have the Orbxlibs installed as the autogen relies on a few files from this


If you want to force FTXCv3 to reinstall the libs, browse to ...\ORBX\User Documents\Versions and delete FTX_AA_ORBXLIBS.TXT


Then the next time you open FTXCv3 it will prompt to install, check for missing files and replace any needed

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Hi Avocado0425,


I couldn't reproduce your problem here...

I know sometimes we forget to actually install the Service Packs. Maybe that is the case? Did you install SP1 and SP2?

Also, do you suspect of any other addon that might be interfering on your installation?



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Hi Tim

After headphone guy fix worked did reinstall of Orbxlibs and autogen back to normal except that headphone guy and his girlfriends reappeared. Should this happen? I guess so as the guy fix does go in Orbxlibs. Ran headphone fix again to find guy and girls gone. Repeated sequence with same result so I guess the guy and the girls are in it together. Have autogen and no intruders.

For Jorge I do have both SP! and SP2 installed and yes I do have a program that conflicts with FTX and that is Aerosofts' Lord Howe Island X.

It has a rogue way of handling autogen. and is controllable if you press the right option (NO) to their replace trees question but but every time I access FTXCv3 and consequently update Orbxllibs ( I think that happens automatically) the Lord Howe Island X native autogen disappears. As a result I uninstall and reinstall trying to remember to press the right button. With my recent activity re Catalina and a few other products accessing FTXCv3 many times I must have pressed the yes button wiping out FTX autogen. All is OK now with FTX and LHI X living happily together (until next time I use FTXCv3). Annoying but livable.


Thanks to all,regards


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Hi Graeme,


Roger that, good to hear about the autogen reappearing,


Regarding the headphone chap... I think Jorge is working on it, but for now just place that file in the FTXAA_ORBXLIBS folder, and manually drop it the /scenery folder whenever there is an Orbxlibs update (shouldnt be to often)


Cheers, Tim

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Hi Jorge


Fortunately one of the girls made a random appearance so was able to positively identify her




Close up






With regard to the other one I feel confident that  I am right as I cannot see that colour anywhere else.If you zoom in on the wide shot you can just make her out partially behind the post, probably bald head. The closer shots seem to confirm colour and characteristics









Hope this helps. If the second one appears again I shall have another look to confirm.







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Hi Avocado,


Please try placing the files ORBX_PF2_StaticLib_Airport1.BGL and ORBX_PF2_StaticLib_Various1.BGL inside your "ORBX\FTX_AU\FTXAA_ORBXLIBS\Scenery" folder. The files are in the attached zip file.

This is a little fix try. If that solve the problem, I'll be making a definitive build to our LIBs.

Report back when you can.



<Deleted File / See last version below>





PS. I intentionally left the last one out of the fix just to make sure it is a model problem. In other words, the last wig should still appear.

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Hi Jorge,


Reinstalled Orbxlibs to get a fresh start, headphones and dark wig reappeared but redhead did not. I haven't seen her again since the first time. Dropped your files in but nothing happened then I figured they should be replacing other files. There are similar files but with slightly different names, Orbxlibs_PF2 etc instead of Orbx_PF2 for both so I changed these to .bak and lo, two headphone guys, no giants, and dark wig in right place. Rebooted to check and all working well.







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Hi Graeme,

Very sorry. Now I realize that I used the P3D name convention for the files. My bad.
Well, I think I have found the problem, then. The fix will take a little longer though, because I will have to recompile a lot of static models, changing some configs for each one.

Thank you very much for your valuable help!


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  • 2 months later...

I installed FTX Global KAVX at the end of February 2017, and ran into the problem with the spurious objects (giant headset, walkie talkies, etc) on the runway.  Identical problem as reported by Avocado0425 in mid December.  Beautiful scenery, but the giant objects are a huge distraction.   Updated to latest Orbx libs, but objects still there -assume the current December 1 2016 libraries don't yet include the patches Jorge developed.  It has been two and a half months.  Will a permanent fix be released soon ?

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I installed FTX Global KAVX at the end of February 2017, and ran into the problem with the spurious objects (giant headset, walkie talkies, etc) on the runway.  Identical problem as reported by Avocado0425 in mid December.  Beautiful scenery, but the giant objects are a huge distraction.   Updated to latest Orbx libs, but objects still there -assume the current December 1 2016 libraries don't yet include the patches Jorge developed.  It has been two and a half months.  Will a permanent fix be released soon ?

Hi ChuckOman,

The fix is ready, but I did forget to submit it to the new Lib build. Sorry. It will be in the next one.



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