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Vans RV-4 little problems


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I really enjoy flying the Vans RV-4. There are some little problems which should be easy to fix:

1. There is no oil in the engine when the airplane is freshly loaded. When starting the engine it naturally quits after a few seconds. It would be nice if there was oil in the engine right from the start. If you change aircraft to the Vans inflight you can run into big problems as described above.

2. The trim switch on the stick moves in the wrong direction when pitch trimming with the joystick.

3. As described in another thread the the VC switches are no more clickable. It worked on the first one or two flights only.

Looking forward to an update of this nice little bird.





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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Blizz12.

I purchased the RV4 as well and can not start the engine…runs for about 10 seconds and quits. Has both oil and fuel and I follow the checklists. Spent hours trying to find the answer and attempting various starting scenarios. Have you solved this problem? I appreciate any help available….Thanks...

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If I fill oil before starting it runs without problems. You have to open the service popup and click "fill oil". The red indication "0 qts" should change to green "7 qts".


I found another little bug: When flying inverted the digital attitude indicator shows the wrong pitch unless it is 0.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

That's arguable.

Would you start a real aircraft without checking the oil level and correcting it as necessary?

I agree that no support is not acceptable and on your behalf, searched the forum for Vans RV-4.

There are 252 results and adding a better definition such as engine will refine them more.

I realise that this does require some input from you but must be better than the nothing you appear to think

is the alternative.

People do move on, sometimes they move on from this mortal coil, not in this case as far as I  am aware,

it is part of life and although we may not like it we must accept it.

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