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FSX Steam & ORBX Scotland

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Good afternoon.


A long term user of FSX, I have just got a new VR ready laptop and am installing FSX SE & ORBX SCO.


Although FSX SE is working fine, the ORBX SCO Scenery is not showing?  NB I did use FTX Central - it found my FSX SE.


1.  Are there other add-ons that I still need to get ORBX SCO to work?  Maybe Scotflight?  FSUIPC?


2.  Do I need to edit any CFGs or Scenery Layers?  NB I have changed Security Settings on e.g. both FSX & FSXCONFIG exe. to allow everything, basically. 


3.  Although ORBX is in the FSX Folder, there is no mention of ORBX in the Scenery Library when FSX SE is running?


4.  The uploaded scenery is not great - poor land textures, no forests, blocky coastline, inaccurate roads/rail/towns.....


5.  ORBX recommended settings set i.e. Texture size max, Mesh etc etc.


Kind Regards



Heading towards Inverness Airport.BMP

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There are a number of useful topics pinned at the top of the FSX Steam Edition forum

which should explain to you what you need to do after installing FSX-SE and how you 

should run FTX Central after you have done so.

From whom is the very long order number that you have posted please?

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Hello Nick.


Thank you for the quick reply: found your Post and have now sorted the issue.


1.  I had selected FSX SE via the FTX Central selections, thinking that that was the correct thing to do.  As you have said - don't do that.  Select FSX even if like me you have a brand new laptop and a clean install of FSX SE.


2.  Re the "long order number" - I copied this off the ORBX acknowledgement of a successful download.  Below is the complete information.


Incidentally I got FSX SE off STEAM, & ORBX of the ORBX site.  Next stop is to get my Radar Contact going again.


3.  Could I ask - as I got the new VR Ready laptop for this - any hints or tips re flyinside?  I am going for the Oculus as I cannot afford HTC VIVE.


Thanks again for your time, Nick.  As a former Flying Instructor and lapsed Commercial Pilot I insist on realism for my FSX: perhaps too much!




Product information

  • Transaction ID: 582743888687f
  • Product: EU Scotland
  • Amount paid: $54.95 AUD
  • Purchased at: 2016-11-12 16:31:47
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I realise how counter-intuitive it is to select FSX for FSX-SE and I have suggested another option for a future update to FTX Central.

At the moment, I am waiting for answers to rather a lot of questions.

Thanks for the explanation of the order number.

I regret that I know nothing at all about VR but we do have a forum for it here.

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