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How does older OLC EU compare to the new OLC NA?


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I really like what OLC NA has done for my P3D v3 environment in North America.  I'd like to see the same in EU, but I do note that the EU product is considerably older, so I am wondering what features the NA landclass has that the EU landclass would lack.


How does the OLC NA product differ from OLC EU?  Are the new lighting features in NA also available for EU?  Any other material differences?  If so, is a retro-fit planned for the EU landclass?




Bob Scott

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well, i am sure the data is roughly the same age... just because a product is newer does not guarantee that newer data is used. While i am sure it is, i doubt that makes OpenLC EU outdated. Also, keep in mind, these products are updated continuously.

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Every new ORBX product contains new technologie. The landclass in NA is done with a new tile technique if I'm not mistaken. This makes it possible to gain preciser detail.

Nevertheless, OLC EU also looks like a light region. I've disabled my NL2000 photoreal scenery in favor of OLC EU and flying in the Alps is a great joy.

I love them both and actually it's not that bad that EU is different from NA. That's good for a change.

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22 hours ago, w6kd said:

I really like what OLC NA has done for my P3D v3 environment in North America.  I'd like to see the same in EU, but I do note that the EU product is considerably older, so I am wondering what features the NA landclass has that the EU landclass would lack.


How does the OLC NA product differ from OLC EU?  Are the new lighting features in NA also available for EU?  Any other material differences?  If so, is a retro-fit planned for the EU landclass?




Bob Scott

Hi Bob


I've flown both, EU and NA, tens of hours,  and in spite of that I find your question difficult to answer. We speak of millions of km2, some areas are obviously a little better than others, in EU as in NA.  Le'ts try anyway.


The LC map seems (my impression) a little more homogeneous in quality in NA (3 countries) than in EU (about 35 countries) but globally they are similar products, a tremendous improvement over default or even the LC products which came about in the early FSX times (SceneryTech, etc.). You just can't compare.


I don't feel like EU would a dated product. By the way, it is at version 1.30 meaning that it is not so old... 


There is no obvious technological improvement in NA over EU that I can see with my user eyes except for the new lighting feature which has not been yet incorporated in EU but, according to OrbX, will.


Textures wise, I (like many) find the South Med that I fly a lot, maybe a little too green.  But there are part of NA where the textures are debatable too.



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