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Migration and OpenLC_NA questions


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Hi.  I have already installed FTX Global, Vector, OpenLC_EU, quite a few regions, and a couple of airports.  But, I've never done the migration process.  I am now forced to do this because I want to have OpenLC_NA (which I've purchased, but not installed) and it requires the unified system.  I'm running P3D v3.2.3.   Basically, I would like to know if the process I plan to go through is correct.


My plan is to download/install the latest ORBX librairies (160906) which will give me the option to do the forced migration for the ORBX software that I already have.  I would do the migration.  Then I would install OpenLC_NA and next install the OpenLC_NA 1.15 update. Assuming I'm correct so far would I then need to install the libraries once more?


Thanks for any advice someone can give me on this.  I'm a little hesitant to do this at all, but since I need to do it I want to do it correctly.  I remember the problems caused by the earlier migration process and don't want to mess up a perfectly good system that I have now.


Jeff Smith

Order No. FSS0524487

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You can just install the NA OLC and update followed by the latest libraries.  Once the libraries are installed the migration will happen automatically.  It will be a few minutes of the old DOS screens and then it will advise the migration is complete.


If there are any problems you can post back here.  But the vast majority of users have no problems at all.

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Well, I THOUGHT everything was fine, but now I'm not sure.  When I did the migration, I got the prompt which said "Migration Complete" so I clicked OK and thought everything was fine then.  Now, I realize I should have used the Migration Troubleshooter Tool to check everything.  I've since started P3D and taken a couple of flights and things seemed OK.  Can/Should I still run the Troubleshooter Tool now to check for "all green" or do I have to run the migration again before I can check.  Basically, I'm asking if the Troubleshooter Tool can be run at any time or only directly after doing the migration process?


Also, if I already have the latest ORBX libs installed, do I still need to reinstall them again each time after adding more scenery files?




Order No. FSS0524487

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