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postcards From Coffs ... not a small post!!!!


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First appologies if I broke the forum rules in my earlier post with another partys S/W.. it's been a while and I got carried away  ;D ;D

So to make up for it.. I took a trip to Coffs, you really should treat yourself to a trip here, but for those that havn't made it yet.. a few postcard shots of my trip.. whish you were here...

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Thanks for looking .. happy flying.. triton.

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Nice filtering on the images Maurice, they've got that misty soft feel to them, magic!

Regarding other scenery addons; anything which has been made by Holger, Jon Patch and Bill Womack is fine by us, since Holger and Bill are with the Orbx team anyway and we're working cooperatively with FSAddons to ensure full compatibility between those products and FTX PNW.

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Just when I decided no more addons for a while, someone posts tempting scenes like this. Looks like it's another swipe of the credit card coming up. This is worse than gambling! :o

Worse than gambling! No way with this you payback every time you fly.. ;)

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great shots there for sure!

I am curious what are the specs on your system and what frame rates you get! what settings in fsx you have as well.


Cloud and water textures are from REX2.0 I chose a setup for the areas that I fly in and for certain weather conditions.

It's a standard orbx weather theme..

From a Hardware point of View (remember your milage may vary):

It's a Intel i7 920 O/C to 4.00Ghz, with 6GB Corsair Ram(cas9,not that fast stuff either!). Nvidia GTX285 1024MB Graphics.

FSX is on a single Raptor Drive (sata 1 spec) With the O/S and applications on another.

my O/S of choice for FSX is Windows 7 RC.

Frame Rate's are locked at 35.. but vary between about 18 -35 although they only really dip to 18 in the middle of a very BIG forested area with high levels of terrain. I think it's an I/O issue (isn't it always!) but it's not bad enough for me to want to spend a significant amount of cash to upgrade this.. 99% of the time the flight is really smooth except for the turbulence.. :D there are no stutters! AI is set to full as well as ships and ferries (can someone make the stock Microsoft ones better looking please, those ferries are very blurry when seen next to the rest of the orbx work :))

As for the FSX setup. It's all in the Forums here.. there is a lot of good advice amongst this lot and it takes some reading, you just need to understand the limitations of the system that you have, and accept that there are no miracles. You need the right hardware to get the results.

The shots were taken with the ENB add on, it's setup as per Johns guide and ini configurations. Many thanks for those, they saved me a lot of time.  ;)

As I have a 1GB graphics card, I made the changes as per the thread from Solareagle? (I think) as well as comments by Mango. Almost all sliders are Max(except water) and tuning is done via config files. I spent about 8 hours playing with the config files, to test there effect on my system. I chose the worst areas of the world in stock Microsoft texture settings ( I figured the new textures from orbx would give me some more performance and since they haven't completed the world yet! I needed the system to be able to run in other locations other than Australia...incidentally I think they do help the performance but that might just be my opinion  I can't substantiate it much other than feeling, perhaps it's just the cleaner textures), At present, my head hurts a lot and I need more sleep! but the rewards were worth it I think. Now I dont need to look at the frame rate slider anymore ;D (does anyone have a good profile for a track IR)

Also remember as John pointed out I have edited the shots. Mostly they are full screen shots, but I've added a very subtle washed out/bleached blur and then a weird polarizing like effect to darken the seas and force out the greens again..

then a little sharpen that's it..

No Magic.. just the right hardware setup the right way and some tuning specific for my brand mix..(intel,gigabyte,corsair,BFG,western digital, enermax)

Thanks for the positive comments.. I'm looking forward to capturing some PNW shots as soon as it's available...

Best wishes


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hey thanks for that info hmmm might have to wait awhile to upgrade again but those i7 920 boards must be good.

looking at my system specs in my sig, do you have any suggestions how I could improve mine?

I get reasonable frame rates but i do get stutters when I am turning.

I have looked at several threads and followed much advice but it has improved but not gone for good.

I am a bit of a tech head but not as much as others.

so any advice on my system would be appreciated.

thanks again


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Wow! The first two shots are just pure magic. Of course, the others are great as well. Stunning set of shots.

Regarding other scenery addons; anything which has been made by Holger, Jon Patch and Bill Womack is fine by us, since Holger and Bill are with the Orbx team anyway and we're working cooperatively with FSAddons to ensure full compatibility between those products and FTX PNW.

That's good to know. :)

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