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no real world weather at main screen


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Weather malfunction at main screen, "unable to select real world weather".  Can sometime select real world weather inside the flight.  This anomaly has happened within the last 24 hours.  No changes made to FSX.  I've just attempted 3 flights during the time of this post.  2 out of 3 flights the real world weather paradigm worked correctly, with 1 fail. 


Can someone verify, and if you are not having issues suggest a fix, or a path to search for a fix.


FSX Accel



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MotoDave I was testing something in FSX today and was not using my regular weather program. I used "real world weather updated every 15 min" from the FSX menu like you and I had the same message you had pop up a few times during the day. The weather did work most of the day however. The weather server may have been having issues or connection issues, I think i saw that message a couple times yesterday also. Hope that helps.

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