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My first upload


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After a lot of moments I almost uploaded a screen shot, herewith I upload my first one.

Always flew the Falcon 4.0 simulator but after the great products of ORBX hit the market I 'm cruising the skies of Australia quiet to often ;-).

(My own F16 simulator project almost came to a stand still last year, thanks to the ORBX team ;-)

Came across these little mountains and had to push the V button, the V on the button almost vanished. A clue Sherlock Holmes couldn't miss when he had to search for an FTX user.

Hope you like this first one.



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Very nice! And I know exactly where that is. These prominent volcanic peaks are part of the Glass House Mountains North of Brisbane/Redcliffe. Mount Beerwah in the front, the two peaks of Mount Tunbudbubla on the right and on the left: Mount Ngungun, Mount Coonowrin and Mount Tibogargan. Great place to fly! :)

Welcome and keep on posting.

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Thanks gentlemen for the nice comments. :)

When I spotted the strange peeks on the horizon I had to take a better look and flew to them, coffee

(and wife) could wait at that moment ;).

Had to go around a couple of times to get the plane where I wanted it to be for the shot. It had indeed the atmosphere I hoped for.

Had to bring this atmosphere to this board, not because it needed it. The ORBX forums are always  a pleasure to visit and have a great atmosphere of their own thanks to all the regular posters and the team behind it. ;D



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