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I have spent many days reinstalling prepar3d v2.5, and initially only installing all my North American files.. This went fine, and yesterday I decided to reinstall all of Aus and NZ.. including the OZX files.. I also ran the Ozx Migration tool. (the current Prepar3d is 169gig)The end result was that my sim will not now start, as I get the dreaded notice "please remove the file LWCFG.XML" .

Today I have spent a couple of hours trying to do this, to no avail.

Any pointers would be appreciated, as I truly do not want to spend the next four or five days trying to get back to were I  was yesterday. Thank folks. Teecee.

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This file lives under


C:\Users\Standard\AppData\Roaming\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v2


It describes traffic speeds (I think it's used by the slower traffic tool). First thing I would try removing (shifting) it. I don't know for sure but P3D might use default values then.


Kind regards, Michael 

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Thanks Michael. I have spent the past hour working on this, to no avail.. I have removed the offending file from where you described it, but it keeps re-occurring, so I removed all the Ozx and my own extras, but nothing works. I think I have no option but to remove the whole sim then start again.. four days of work down the drain.

I will give it an hour more, then start from scratch again. Teecee.

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Would you think it might help me to send you my file? Although I am not sure if it works, as I certainly have different Addons installed from yours. And my file is from P3D3.3, although I am pretty sure there is no difference between the versions. 


Kind regards, Michael

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Thanks for the offer, but I am so angry with myself about this, as I should have avoided some of my older files, and I really think that I must clean out all prepar3d and start over.. It's not as if I have other commitments, my time is my own, so I will try again, and get it right I hope..  Teecee.


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Thanks for the offer, but I am so angry with myself about this, as I should have avoided some of my older files, and I really think that I must clean out all prepar3d and start over.. It's not as if I have other commitments, my time is my own, so I will try again, and get it right I hope..  Teecee.


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Yo have my sympathies.


Can't you just try to get rid of the older files?  It seems to me that you have some that are not P3D v?  ready.  I also know to my own cost that although some have professed to have used migration tools with success, for me, they would help to install but mess up something else entirely.



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