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Textures South East of KSEZ flashing


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When I fly around KSEZ, the textures to the south east of the "city" seem to flash between different textures and sometimes appear to be extremely striated as if the texture was super squished and all you could see were colored lines. I just wanted to give you guys a heads up just in case it is happening to someone else as well.

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G'day Sundog, 


The issue you're experiencing is likely caused by one of two things;


1. If you have OLC_NA installed, just make sure you have the latest patch for KSEZ installed too, as this includes a compatibility option in the control panel. 

2. If this isn't the cause, then you likely have had problems with the Migration process and will need to run the Troubleshooter, please see this topic for more info. 


This should hopefully clear up your issues. 






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