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RedBird Full motion sim


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Hi Guys,

I have just returned from Oshkosh AirVenture. While there I saw the FMX full motion sim from Redbird.

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It uses FSX as the flight platform and is FAA approved. It was very imersive as sim platforms go and the motion really adds to the realism. It has replaceable panels to allow setups for various aricraft types (C172, Cirrus, Twins etc). I took it for a run and managed to walk away from the landing despite the instructor throwing in a snow storm then a micro burst on landing. At USD$60K though it aint cheap - more aimed at the flight schools but hey we can all dream.

I did mention to the guys from Redbird that the scenery was very ordinary to which they replied - thats the best they could do with standard FSX. I told them about FTX and the upcoming PNW release and suggested they check it out.

John as soon as I find their business cards I'll drop you a line.

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I got a chance to use the sim to take off and fly a circuit and land. The configuration was a 182 with a glass panel. It was incredible, the motion, along with the wrap around screens, and the realistic cockpit and controls  made the experience surreal.  I have flown as a student pilot a number of times over the years but not enough to compare this to a real plane, so I had my brother who is a private pilot try it.  He also felt it was incredible but lacked turbulence and the cockpit wasn't noisy enough.  He thought it would be a great training tool none the less.  I talked with the developers and a group that owned the simulator and the problem with adding scenery was that the FAA would have to re certify it for use in logging hours. That being said they also felt the scenery was pretty good.  I gently told them that they needed to check out ORBX and see the fantastic airports and scenery they build and maybe it might be worth going to the trouble whatever it took to get it updated.  That being said there main focus is IFR training.   They are charging 50 dollars a hour without instructor at there airport.  The Simulator as pictured starts at $60,000 US dollars.

One funny thing was - When I got in the simulator I was pretty nervous and the tech who was not a pilot told me to start my taxi to runway (?). I applied power and pushed a little right rudder but nothing - a little more power and soon we were moving but it didn't look or feel right.  I started veering off into the grass and I quickly overcorrected and soon I was completely off the apron in the grass.  I was sweating bullets and tried to relax but just didn't understand why I was having so much trouble.  I finally got on the runway and without any delay pushed full throttle and heading down the runway but the plane only got to about 35 knots and was taking forever to take off.  I was having a very hard time keeping it centered and finally the guy said are you pushing the brakes?  I felt so stupid - I forgot about toe brakes.  I don't have rudder pedals at home.  So anyway let off the brakes and up we went.  I did pretty well after that and managed a very respectable landing.  


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Roy - dont worry mate I had the same problem with the toe brakes - wondered why full power couldnt get much of a take off roll going. I agree with your description of the sim its the closest thing I have seen to the full comercial airliner 6 axis sims for GA when I was lucky enough to get in the QF 747-440 and A380 sims.

John - Ill be in touch.

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