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Thank You, FTX Team, for making FSX fun!


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This is my first post on any flight sim forum, so go easy on me!  ;)

The reason I am posting is to simply thank the FTX team for making FSX actually fun.  FSX was OK before I installed FTX, but only OK.  Now it's, WOW!  On my first flight with FTX, I actually tried to go get my wife up out of bed to come look at the cool new scenery!  She declined, of course, but the fact that I even WANTED her to come see says volumes about the quality of FTX.  GEX and UTX are nice products, but their improvements are more subtle, and never created the WOW factor for me that FTX has.  Bravo! Bravo!! Bravo!!!

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Wow nice shot Pesto, thanks for sharing it with us :)

For future shots, could you resize your 1650's down to 1280 wide maximum? That just makes it easier for users with smaller screens. Thanks for understanding, and please send us some MORE of those great shots!

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Thank you all for the kind words!  I must admit that I was so proud of my P-51 screenshot that I sent it off to a photo printer to have it printed.  If it turns out nice, I think I might get a screenshot printed on canvas so that it looks like a work of aviation art!  (http://www.mpix.com/productsinfo.aspx?prod=12)  Of course, for $70 I could by two FTX region packs, so maybe I'll skip the art.  :)  On the other hand, FTX is a true work of art, and deserves a proper presentation!

Here's a couple of more shots that I resized to be 1280 wide instead of 1650 per John's recommendation.  I like the look of the FTX ground scenery through the low clouds.

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Just to update, I did have the P-51 shot printed as a photograph, and it came out great!  I'm going to find a mat for it and hang up in my office at work.  Still not sure about shelling out $70 to have it printed on canvas, though...

I've had more fun with FTX over the past few days, and have decided that the scenery looks good even upside down!  I did these at 800 pixels wide just to see how they would look, but I think 1280 is the sweet spot.

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Are the snow textures enhanced with FTX, or are they the standard textures?  The don't look as stunning to me as the rest of the FTX textures somehow, but maybe it's just hard to make snow look stunning.

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I still can't get over how much more fun FSX is with FTX.  I now find myself wanting to go out exploring and trying different things just because the scenery looks so much better and the framerates don't suffer a bit.  Again, excellent excellent work!

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As if FTX didn't add enough to FSX fun factor, the freeware airports step it up another notch!  As I was looking through the list of new airports, I thought that Nullarbor Motel sounded like a fun place to try to find.

Per the instructions, I started at Yalata.  I had left start-on-active-runway selected, but it put me smack dab in the middle of the runway, so I taxied down to the hangar to check out the action there.

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Later, I did a flyby of Yalata.

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I followed the instructions and flew a heading of 266, I had a hard time finding Nullarbor at first, because I didn't realize that the desert textures were also a part of FTX AU Blue so I wasn't flying out far enough.  Finally, though, I found Nullarbor.  You can find a google map of Nullarbor here:


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After landing, I didn't see the hotel, but I did find this interesting depot.  Maybe I can load one of those bombs on the P-51!  Actually, I can't tell for sure if they're supposed to be bombs or some sort of propane tanks, but either one would make quite a bang if dropped from a Mustang.

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Great job on the freeware airports.  I'm looking forward to finding more of them!

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