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Question about night lighting


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I have 2 questions concerning the new night lighting system introduced in OpenLC NA: Will it show above photoscenery? And will the new system be introduced in OpenLC EU too?



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with regards to your first question, I 'think' the lights do indeed show above photoscenery. I say 'think', because I did a quick test flight last night, and saw a flat landscape, with lights. Now, either I forgot to set the autogen slider to normal in Sim Starter NG before commencing the flight, or I forgot to deselect some megasceneryearth titles from the scenery cfg. I suspect the latter, and I'm really hoping that the 'new tech' lights are scenery objects rather than pimped autogen, because having night lighting in photoscenery would be a big plus (for me)!


As for the new light tech in Open LC EU, bring it on!


A question that arises from YOUR question though, would be; If these new lights are scenery objects, would there be a performance advantage in turning them off (deselecting from the scenery menu) for daylight flying?

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