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New Vector installation...with update


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Hi - I have just reinstalled Vector since I have switched back to FTXG and the new Open LC NA (P3Dv3).  I downloaded Vecotr version 1.3 from FSS and then downloaded the 1.4 update and installed it.  I'm wondering if I was supposed to install 1.35 first.  I ran a quick test and it appears to be working.  Just wondering if this will be ok or maybe I will be missing the fixes in 1.35??







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The question is if the 1.4 update is a cumulative patch? (i.e.does it include the fixes in the 1.35 update)


I had the same question last night, so I installed 1.35 , then installed 1.4 - just to be safe.


  I'm guessing 1.4 is not a cumulative patch, or they would have pulled 1.35 from the d/l section to begin with.


Just my .02....  hope this helps!

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