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How to overclock a nVidia GPU?


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Hello I have been trying to figure out how to overclock my XFX nVidia 1GB GTX285 ( Black Edition). I have no clue on how to do this since there is no tool provided like with ATI theres Catalyst and you can easily increase the speed and etc from the panel. I have RivaTuner, but don't know if it could be used for overclocking it.  :-\ The GPU clock speed right is now 690 but I'd like to get it to the 800s if possible. Any help is greatly appreciated.  ;D



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I may really ruffle some feather's here but you are talking about one of the fastest Video cards on the planet for home use just about and you want to over clock it,  ??? .

in reality anything over 60 FPS is wasted on LCD's since their refresh rate is 60 Hz and from what I've seen recently anything over 30-40 FPS in FSX is bloody brilliant.

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Ok my graphics card may be really good, but I'm just not getting the performance I want from FSX. I have a i7 920 (not overclocked yet), 6GB Corsair Tri Channel, EVGA X58 SLI LE mobo. I have been told that I have an ideal system for FSX, but I'm just not seeing the performance I want from FSX. I have tried a few of those FSX cfg tweaks, but they don't seem to have an effect on it. My i7 isn't overclocked yet ,but I'm trying to find a good water cooling to get the 920 up to the 4's. I just wanted to let yall know that because you seemed shocked that I'd want to OC my 285.



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Hi Dan you can use the evga precision utility http://www.evga.com/PRecision/ to overclock you card, but in all honesty and as you stated the best gains in frames for FSX as its so CPU bound will be overclocking your system so once you get your water cooling up and running then push the CPU and then you will see nice gains.



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