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Vector not working with P3DV3

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I decided to take the giant leap into P3D. I've had FSX since it came out way back when. Now I'm slowly taking the time to start adding my addons to it. FTX Blobal Base Back Pack installed without a problem. However, when I installed FTX Global Vector, is saying is missing scenery and the configuration tool does not work. I ran the diagnostic report, and this is the number it gave me to give ORBX:  otdda66057f75976b32586bad63bbbb758. Don't have a clue what this is, but I hope with the number generated, someone can tell me what is going on.

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Negative, Nick. I downloaded a full clean, and up to date wrapper from the FlightSim Store. I have P3D intalled on a seperate drive from that of FSX. I almost feel like just deleating all files and start from scratch, but that will be painful. I rather find a solution on why I'm getting those three error screenshots above, and move on.

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You should be able to quickly check.

The error messages are telling you that you have no




I would suggest that you use Windows File Explorer to visit these

locations on your PC and confirm that the files are indeed not there.


You would then need to investigate why they have not been installed

by your whole product installer, or if they have been installed, where

the installer put them.

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I noticed that, Nick. FSX in on my "C" drive, and P3D is on my "D" Drive. I see FSX has the FTX_VECTOR_AEC folder inside my ORBX FTX_VECTOR sub folder, but it's missing in my P3D ORBX FTX_VECTOR sub folder. How did that happen, if all the other folders are there in P3D for ORBX? Shouldn't it had detected the FTX_VECTOR_AEC for P3D like all the other folders?

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I re-installed Vector, and it looks like it now installed the missing files. However, now I'm trying to update the latest Orbx Libraries, version 160708, and it looks like it's going to take several days to finish installing it. Terrible speed, and I have a super fast internet connection!

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