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Can't re-install Pilots Global Mesh

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Win 10 64bit

I had everything installed, but then things got corrupted after install NZ regions.

I moved everything off my flightsim HD

reformatted flightsim HD

and then deleted everything else.


I then began my reinstall

so far everything is going well

I have re-installed the following:

FTX Global base

FTX Global Vector

Some other third party addons (EZDok, ASN, AccuFeel, FSUIPC)


now I go to install FTX Pilots mesh and I get the following errors as seen in the attached files.


Also, importance of noting is that when I re ran the latest orbxlibs it did NOT run the migration tool, so my FTX central show v2 but still the apply button.

I tried to run the migration tool separately that did nothing, only opened FTX central 2 ("%localappdata%\Orbx\FTXCentral\FTXCentral.exe" /reset_migration /sim:p3d)



FSS0293049 (Pilots mesh)


If anyone could help me:

1. run the migration tool and 

2. get pilots mesh installed


that would be great, thanks.


it's as if orbx still thinks I have everything still installed from before, so I think thats why the migration tool isn't running. Is there a way I can reset all of this?



error 2.JPG

pilots mesh 1.JPG

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well, wow. I just ran ftx central 2 again and it asked me to run the migration tool process, I did and that seems to work, no more apply button

but then I tried to re install  pilots mesh still the same errors, 


well I got one done out of the two.


I should mention that I am trying to install all of the continents.

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ok, this time I had a good clean unzipping, no errors


but on install I had the same thing happen, it happens right after I hit accept for the EULA, same above images.


It is somewhat of an interesting note that last time I had it installed in P3D was v3.2 since then I have upgraded to v3.3.5 and now it doesn't work. I don't think its connected but...stranger things.

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This is what caused it:

Adobe Creative Cloud, 

Apparently I had this installed the first time, when I installed pilots mesh ftx the first time.

then when I uninstalled everything, I also uninstalled adobe creative cloud

then when I went to install pilots global mesh ftx it went looking for that for some ODD REASON. it didn't find it and said no go

I went back through and cleaned that all out, a friend of mine found some files I forgot to delete, when that was all deleted then it installed ok.


so.. whew, what a mess, but all is well with the flightsim world.

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