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LC migration. What was changed?


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Good morning  ORBX team. I have  a couple  of questions  about the land class migration.

Can someone  from the team tell me what exactly was changed during  the migration  process? Are the changes confined  to the FSX directory,  or do they extend into the system registry? 

There are  so many issues  here  that I fear this will not be a quick fix. My issues extend way past  land class anomalies. My performance  has degraded to the  point that the sim is unusable. 

While we are waiting for a  fix to be identified  I need to take steps to restore some functionality  to the program. If I'm  able to restore back to Un migrated territory I know it will be unsupported. I'm  ok with that. I was quite  diligent  with my backup process. I just need to  know what to restore. Will a complete  reinstall  erase the process?

Also, how will the LC migration  affect LC products  by other developers such as Fsgenesis or Scenery solutions?

Will they be usable?

Thank you 


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Stan, you're spending too much time on forum posts and flipping from being apologetic for your aggressive posts to once again dominating forum discussions.


The unified structure only makes changes to lclookup.bgl, autogendescriptions.bgl, default.xml, Extrusions.spb, Materials.spb, RoofDescriptions.spb and specific new textures for FTX Global, openLC and our FTX regions.


There are no changes to the Windows Registry.


Our changes to lclookup.bgl should not affect other developers' products since we leave the default entries intact and only extend the lookup table with our custom entries.


Please refrain from your continual insistence about the issues reported by a minority of customers not being fixable, it's generating unnecessary fear and doubt in people's mind and beginning to get quite annoying to the team.


Try to use the common 'process of elimination' technique to isolate which non-Orbx addons are conflicting with Orbx unified. For example, disable UTX completely and do a test flight, or disable any other landclass product and do the same.


If you want to do a clean re-install of the sim that's likely the best way to revert to a pre-migration state. Be sure to only install Orbx products when you first re-install, then take a system image between each new major product install after that.

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John, I'm  not trying to be dominent or agressive at all.I was planning to use that process of  elimination as well hunting conflicts as well. Deactivating  UTX hasn't resolved the issue and I was just trying to figure out  where to start in the meantime. I'm  involved in a  couple of FSX projects  so time is a constraint. If I can get things up and running  quickly I'll  be back in business  and ready to go when a fix is located.

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Stan -


Having been through two completely failed migrations myself, I have to agree with JV...given where you are now I'd forget about trying to save the existing installation. Just bite the bullet, wipe it all clean, and start over. I've just reinstalled both FSX and P3D and have added Global as well as all the Regions and LC for both NA and EU. I loaded the new Libraries and am now using the latest FTXCentral2.1. I haven't had a chance to check everything but I can move seamlessly between Regions, I don't see any "funny-looking" textures, and there are absolutely no blurries. I think I'm finally home-free. Here's what many of us consider "the bible" on uninstalling and reinstalling FSX   http://support.precisionmanuals.com/kb/a87/how-to-uninstall-and-reinstall-fsx.aspx  . Follow those instructions to-the-letter and you'll be guaranteed a completely clean FSX to which you can start adding your ORBX files. And, as JV suggested, don't install anything as far as add-ons until all you ORBX products are installed and working. And then take a drive image and save it forever.....:). Luck...........



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Hopefully  it won't  come to that.I'm  in full  troubleshooting  mode right now.JV told me what was changed. I hope to restore  from backup, reinstall ORBX global Un migrated,test, then update libraries  and test. I hope to see  where  my conflicts  begin. Who knows maybe it wasn't  the migration,  could be a library  issue.Or another thought , as I wasn't  expecting a big update  I didn't  take my usual precautions. My anti virus was still running during  the process. I wonder if it blocked something  necessary. The DOS window  moved fast but I did see file not found several times. 

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