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Request about tall tree

John York

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I've just flown in to YWYY Winyard from YNHB Hobart.


There is a very tall and bushy tree which really interferes with the close approach to runway 27.


Do you think some kind feller at Orbx could go out there and chop the bloody thing down please?





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No.  That looks as if it's 9 not 27.  I certainly didn't come in over a house.  There was the tree and then the runway.  I'll probably take off from there this afternoon so before I do I'll see if I can grab a screen shot.



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Hello John,

Sue is using OZx Complete v3.4 (OZx v3.4 Ken Hall's version of YWYY) in her picture I believe . It will look a lot different to Australia SP4 version of YWYY, as the boundary and threshold are much closer making that tree more pronounced when on glideslope T-VASI, but it is still avoidable giving a clearance of 10-15 ft.  The tree is much smaller in AU_SP4 than in (OZx v3.4 Ken Hall's version of YWYY). The approach to threshold has been cleared much further from the fence and the tree obstruction, though my pictures are in FSX where trees are @ E/D autogen I am still able to comfortably clear this tree and stay on glideslope. P3D may place a few more trees in this area for the same ED autogen settings quite possibly with taller ones than in my setup. BTW I have "FTX Trees HD".

Rwy 05 also has a tallish tree on approach it does hinder the glideslope, can't see the lights for the trees.


See pics:

EDIT: Well I would have pictures if "OZx image host" was functioning properly, it keeps rejecting my pictures on upload, I'll try to get some pictures up as soon as its fixed.

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Yes Jeff.  You're quite right.  I had a picture too until my computer got mucked up this afternoon .  I managed a system restore but some things didn't come back and I can't be bothered with it any more.


i was joking really but it seems to have been taken a bit seriously.



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That's a good idea Sue.  Thanks.  I've made a note.  However, since my computer broke down yesterday and I've had to retrieve it, for some reason I seem to have joined the ranks of those suffering with the scenery problems.


As a result, I'm not doing anything now with Orbx until the update/correction (?) is issued.










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Yes, that's the one Jeff.  I thought I was going to hit it.  I didn't but it was definitely off -putting and very difficult not to pull the stick.  If it grows any taller someone's going to come down with branches stuck to the undercarriage!;)



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Thanks for the laugh John & Sue, its just what the doctor ordered. Shrubbery attached to the undercarriage, Oh dear!  


When I was a kid, there was a cartoon called Mr Magoo, he was a spectacled kindly old gent (I think he was near sighted) who drove his old vintage T-model into the most precarious places and then by some stroke of fortune arrived at his destination without so much as a scratch. His monika was "Oh' Magoo you've done it again".



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Goodness me Jeff, Where did you dig that up?  He was in the children's Saturday morning pictures at our locaL cinema just after the war.



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