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Extra large PAPI lights.

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I don't know if this is a P3D 3.2 thing or because I have Global but how can I reduce the size of the lights?  They're huge!  I am going to install Vector soon, will that help?

Wasn't there a lights configurator?  

Will it work for P3D 3.2 and if so where can I get it?





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Hi Jack,


Depends which lights you are referring to, FTXG VRL can be adjusted for brightness, size, and colour variation, with the Global Lights configurator, it should be in FTXCentral under Settings > Tools, if you have already installed it. Otherwise you can get it here:https://www.fullterrain.com/freeware . An Icon will be placed on your desktop and is also accessed through FTXCv2.x Settings >Tools > Global Lights Configurator. Follow steps 1,2,3,4 in the panel: Open The Global Lights Configurator > Choose your Sim > save your current default profile > select the variables for each light type you wish to modify > then click APPLY then Close. 


If you are referring to certain airfield guidance lights they can be modified with scalar entries with the following lines in your P3D.cfg, although scalar mods only work on default airfield lights and not at airfields where custom lights have been used. afaik


In P3D.cfg [Display] add these lines to the this section, experiment with values between 0.4 (smallest advised setting) and 1.2 (largest advised setting) to your liking, although the true range is between 0.0 and 1.5, these are a example set I am using currently in my FSX setup.



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Hi Jeff, thank you, that was very nice of you to reply and send me a link.  I just checked have it installed in FTX Central for FSX but not for FTX Central for P3D 3.2.

So I'm going to download it now.

Will these lines work on P3D 3.2?


Best regards,



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My pleasure Jack,

Global Lights Configurator once installed where you have both Sims (FSX & P3D) FTXGlobal Lights Configurator can be accessed for Both and set accordingly, simply by selecting the Sim type @ step 1 in the Configurator panel. 

But I think you will find the Runway lights scalar lines will be where you need to make your adjustments to adjust (VASI/PAPI), (Approach lights), (Strobe lights), (Surface lights - Runway Edge / Runway Centerline, Taxi lights).

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Thanks again Jeff,


I ran it under FTX Central for FSX and it gave me a drop down box 1. Simulator and just gave me "Microsoft FSX".


How do I install it again for P3D if it's already installed in FSX Central?

I don't understand, maybe I'm missing something?



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Hi Jack,


It should have offered you both options, afaik. But there is no harm in reinstalling it. Before doing so, I would first set it back to the default profile for FSX with the button "Set Default Values" click APPLY then Close. Then reinstall the Configurator, hopefully it will offer you both FSX & P3D the next time it is started. Be aware it will need to inject any new values the next time each sim is started for the first time after reinstallation > I would begin by selecting P3D as the Sim @ step 1., make adjustments as needed click APPLY then Close, start your P3D Sim to load the new adjustments you might have made, then do the same procedure for FSX In the Global Lights Configurator Panel step 1, click APPLY then Close.  Of course once set to your liking the panel will not need to be accessed again, because their values will have been injected into both Sims and there they remain until you make alterations in the configurator. 


Point to note: FTXGlobal V/R Lights are mainly found along roadways / street lighting and airport flood lighting, static vehicle tail/head lights and traffic signal lights, wheras airfield Guidance Lights are not part of the same system, their size can be manipulated by the Scalar lines. By default FSX & P3D do not have these lines, the lights are loaded and displayed by the sim at their default size's, but adding the lines can allow some manipulation of their sizes where default light orbs seem just too big.

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Hi Jack,


It should have offered you both options, afaik. But there is no harm in reinstalling it. Before doing so, I would first set it back to the default profile for FSX with the button "Set Default Values" click APPLY then Close. Then reinstall the Configurator, hopefully it will offer you both FSX & P3D the next time it is started. Be aware it will need to inject any new values the next time each sim is started for the first time after reinstallation > I would begin by selecting P3D as the Sim @ step 1., make adjustments as needed click APPLY then Close, start your P3D Sim to load the new adjustments you might have made, then do the same procedure for FSX In the Global Lights Configurator Panel step 1, click APPLY then Close.  Of course once set to your liking the panel will not need to be accessed again, because their values will have been injected into both Sims and there they remain until you make alterations in the configurator. 


Point to note: FTXGlobal V/R Lights are mainly found along roadways / street lighting and airport flood lighting, static vehicle tail/head lights and traffic signal lights, wheras airfield Guidance Lights are not part of the same system, their size can be manipulated by the Scalar lines. By default FSX & P3D do not have these lines, the lights are loaded and displayed by the sim at their default size's, but adding the lines can allow some manipulation of their sizes where default light orbs seem just too big.

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Thanks Jeff,


That clarifies it a bit for me, however, it didn't offer me both options, in fact I have never even used it before in FSX as there were no settings.

I understand now what you mean when you say it only affects the lights like street lights but not PAIP etc.


So I'll forget about installing it for now and go with your edits.


Besides, I am moving away from FSX, since I installed P3D a week or so ago I haven't even flown unless you call test flights in P3D flying.  I miss flying the sim, I hate tweaking and installing and all that, I'm more of a pilot type.  I have flown for real many times so that's what I'm used to.  The computer stuff is for others methinks.

Great explanation, I appreciate you taking the time to do this.





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You are welcome Jack, happy to share what I've learned. I totally agree with you on testing resulting in limited actual flight enjoyment, though my limit is about 5 minutes of virtual flying these days, it is a strain on my poor old peepers. I tend to install something and have a quick recon flight or help with a user issue and just check that one area these days. Sticking exactly where I am, till FSX it is nolonger supported or the view which ever comes first.

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