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Can't Reinstall After Changing FSX:SE Location

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Hi, I appreciate any help resolving this situation.


I recently picked up a new hard drive to keep all of my flight sims. I had FSX:SE with several regions/global/vector/openLC packs installed. The old FSX directory was where all of my other Steam games were stored ( d:\games\steamlibrary\steamapps\common\fsx). I uninstalled FSX via Steam, created a new steam library on the new drive (different file folder name though, exclusively for FSX -> G:\FSX\steamapps\common\fsx), and installed FSX:SE via Steam.


I am now trying to reinstall my Orbx products (starting with Global), and after unpacking, I get the dropdown menu to select which simulator I want to install to, but there's nothing there to select. It's as if the installation wizard isn't seeing my new install of FSX. I tried the flight1 registry fixer, pointing to the new install location, but still no luck. 


Is there something I can do to point the install wizard for Global to my new FSX:SE location?  


Thank you for the help,


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