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orbnx library version does not change


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I installed orbx libs 160528 and ran the instalation succsfully, 
My orginal orbx libs was160321 after the new libraryfiles were installed I still have v 160321
I do not have new version 160528 listed as the new Library files, 
should I have the new library version 160528 installed?

"migration tool"keeps running over and over again shouldnt there be a notice that it was done?
I am not sure if all was installed correctly.

very concerned please help to be sure all was installed properly'.



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Hi spinker


Visit this web site for details 

Ii installed this 1 day ago with no problem, it took me more than 5 minutes to change to new version. So be patient to wait util you see OK and completed.



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After running update 160528 I am getting from FTX Central 2 another message that a new download was available,

need to know what this new download message is for. I do not want to install v106528 over again.

I would like to know what this new download is for?''

Not to happy with what is going on.



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