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Major Texture Problem

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Hello good people!


I have a major issue that happens every single time I fly, mostly over water, and sometimes with land textures. Textures won't load properly, and kind of "flicker" in and out.

Also, for some reason, the "world map", as in the textures used for planet earth from afar will sometimes show (i.e: the entire continent of australia will show on the ground from 5000 ft.) This is such a strange problem, so I attached a link to a video I made of it. 


I'm running:

P3D v3.2

- FTX Global Base

- FTX EU Norway

- REX4 (only clouds installed)

(These are all my addons, excluding aircraft)


I don't know if it's noteworthy, but I am also running this on a high end system, where I with everything maxed get aroung 50-60 fps steady.

I have also tried uninstalling everything and reinstalling several times. The problem starts to occur when Global Base and EU Norway has been installed.  


Thanks for any help!

Ola, Norway. 


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Now that is really more than strange ... You did not list them, but I assume you have installed the latest Orbx Libraries and used FTX Central to switch to the correct region you are flying in? Also, do things look correct when you are on the ground, like on one of the airports in the Norway region?

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Hello! Yes, as this is a problem I've encountered for a long time, I made sure to follow each step in every installation properly, with the updated libraries and everything. It's interesting that you ask about what it is like on the ground, because as it happens, everything seems perfectly normal up until the point where I take off. 

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Hmmm, is there a difference if you fly inside or outside the EU Norway region? Do things always look the same in the same location, or are they "differently" wrong each time you fly? Have you also tried with P3D at its default settings? With other aircraft? Does the problem also appear with only Global Base installed, i.e. without EU Norway?

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This issue is consistent throughout the entire world, for example, I will encounter the same kind of issue if I fly over any part of Asia, South America or any part of the Pacific, Atlantic Ocean etc. I also tried flying before installing any content, with several different aircraft, without having a single issue. The issue post-orbx installation (also with Base alone) is persistent, regardless of aircraft type. 


As as for the anomaly itself, it is never the same for any specific area, and when or how it appears seems totally random. 


Thank you so much for trying to help me out by the way! Highly appreciated! 

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Update: It would seem like the problem only occurs from an outside view. If view is changed to VC, it will go back to normal. Change to outside again, and the problem comes back. 

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Hi av8tr,

I won't claim to know exactly what is happening in your sim as I use FSX, but ................... can I have a little guess.
You describe normal scenery display from inside the cockpit "VC view" but things go haywire in any external view, where the globe disappears except for some weird texture & LC tiles forming the 100NM scenery footprint outside of which is just a light blue void (as seen in your YT Video).
Are you by chance, using EZdok for camera views?

Have you by chance messed up your  "cameras.cfg" with EZDok?   C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Roaming\.............P3D.
Or have you disabled P3D core scenery elements from the Scenery Library?.
Or have you disabled core scenery elements with a utility like "SimStarter"?
Is your Scenery Library in the correct order. (As in this pictorial guide by Member : - "Voyager" http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/107329-insertion-points/?do=findComment&comment=966404 )


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Hey Jeff!

Thanks for trying to help out, much appreciated!

I don't have EZDok, or any other "camera changing" add on, in fact my only installs (which makes this problem so weird) is: 

(In this order)

- P3D v3.2

- Global Base  ------> This is where anomaly is first seen

       (Updated libriaries downloaded)

- EU Norway
- REX4 (Only Clouds and Runways activated)

- VRS Tacpack

- VRS Superbug


Problem does not occur with clean P3D install. I tried however recently to remove all the add-ons, leaving the P3D clean again, but this time the problem stuck. 

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Very weird indeed ... some more thoughts: have you tried to redownload FTX Global Base to make sure that your original download is not corrupt somehow? Did you overclock your system (or better: could you post your system specs)? Have you ever checked your hard drive to make sure that there are no drive errors?


Further, your screenshot shows some strange symbols in the top right corner of the P3D menu bar. Where do these come from?


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I have gone through my hardware several times to check if the error comes from there, but it looks pretty good. I have not however tried to redownload Global Base, which I will try, and get back to you with any results. 

My specs:

Intel Core i7-4790K 4 GHz (Not overclocked)

MSI B85M-E45, Socket-1150

HyperX Savage DDR3 2400MHz 16GB

MSI GeForce GTX 970 Gaming 4GB

Seagate Desktop SSHD 1TB


Running Windows 10


As for the strange symbols, those are actually the "P3D Academic Licence" label, shown in the unfortunate low resolution of the picture!

(Sorry about the fat lettering, I for some strange reason can't remove it) 


And by the way, and excuse my ignorance and/or lack of technical understanding, but why would Global Base interfere with my water textures? Does Global Base actually include water textures? I thought it was land based only.






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I can confirm that redownloading Global Base, with any kind of antivirus shut off, and installing it, following each step by the book, does not solve the problem unfortunately. I noticed no change from previous installations.   

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18 hours ago, AV8TR said:

but why would Global Base interfere with my water textures? Does Global Base actually include water textures? I thought it was land based only.


Correct, Global Base does not include water textures, but it has some landclass modifications (see documentation) that could have mixed up something.


Just to verify: in Virtual Cockpit view you see no issues whatsoever, only when you switch to outside view the problems occur? And as long as you are on the ground everything is fine as well (in VC and outside view)?


To be honest, I am really running out of ideas here. Your system specs also provide no clue what might be going wrong.


Some more things you may already have thought of:

- Which version of Windows 10 are you using? 64bit? Are you perhaps using an Insider Preview version?

- Do you use the graphics card drivers provided by Windows 10, or have you installed the latest ones from the nVidia homepage?

- Did you update from Windows 7/8 to Windows 10 (with Prepar3d installed), or have you done a clean installation of W10?

- I suppose you already did a complete reinstall of Prepar3d v3.2 according to their remove/reinstall instructions (i.e. with manually deleting all the folders mentioned in the instructions)? Did you change any P3D settings before installing Global Base again?

- Do you use nVidia Inspector or any other tool that modifies graphics card settings? Do you use any FSX-to-P3d migration tool?

- Did you perhaps even do a complete reinstall of Windows 10 as a sort of last resort?


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5 minutes ago, TheGreenToad said:

Just to verify: in Virtual Cockpit view you see no issues whatsoever, only when you switch to outside view the problems occur? And as long as you are on the ground everything is fine as well (in VC and outside view)?

Yes that's correct.


7 minutes ago, TheGreenToad said:

- Which version of Windows 10 are you using? 64bit? Are you perhaps using an Insider Preview version?

- Do you use the graphics card drivers provided by Windows 10, or have you installed the latest ones from the nVidia homepage?

- Did you update from Windows 7/8 to Windows 10 (with Prepar3d installed), or have you done a clean installation of W10?

- I suppose you already did a complete reinstall of Prepar3d v3.2 according to their remove/reinstall instructions (i.e. with manually deleting all the folders mentioned in the instructions)? Did you change any P3D settings before installing Global Base again?

- Do you use nVidia Inspector or any other tool that modifies graphics card settings? Do you use any FSX-to-P3d migration tool?

- Did you perhaps even do a complete reinstall of Windows 10 as a sort of last resort?



Indeed, I have made a complete reinstall of Windows 10 64bit (No saved files) several times actually, where I before installing P3D made sure to update my Nvidia drivers. I have not changed anything within the Nvidia control panel, and all my graphics are set within P3D itself. 


It really is mysterious how I get the results that I do, and I understand how it is very difficult to tell what it might be. I will update the thread if I find any solution of course.

And again, thank you very much!  

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You're welcome, although I suppose I haven't really been of much help ... and yes, please post you solution if you find one, I am really curious of what might cause such behaviour!


One last thought: what language is your Windows 10? Does you user name perhaps contain some special (i.e. non-english) characters, that might cause trouble for some installers?


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My Windows 10 is set to Norwegian, the language belonging to a country known for both strange people, behavior, names and characters, but alas, my name contains only the usual English ones.


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Hi again AV8TR,


I was wondering if you have tried refreshing your Shaders, I'm assuming they are located in C:\Users\*****\AppData\Local\P3D  not the Shader folder in the P3D installation. Allowing a fresh shader set to be rebuilt by the sim might do the trick.  (Please make a backup before you do this then you can return the original if something doesn't go right.) If it does not work I am out of ideas on this very strange issue, the likes of which I have never seen before, except when FSX had a demo sim many years ago, and it was limited to just a few nautical miles from some island in the Bahamas if I remember correctly there was a similar void as expected.

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4 minutes ago, Jeff Gilmour said:

I was wondering if you have tried refreshing your Shaders


I have not! Actually I didn't know about the fact that you can do this. Is the procedure simply done by deleting the shaders that are already in there? 

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Yes, in essence it should be the same as with FSX, but I have only ever done a Shader refresh with FSX, so I am a little out of my depth on the subject as far as P3Dv3.2 goes.

Standby, I am trying to find a Topic in the forum where P3Dv3.2 Shader folders have been refreshed that might give the correct location of the folder and procedure.


EDIT: Ok I think I have found the location for the P3D Shaders and procedure here in this topic Post ID:5  http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/113644-weird-flickering-in-p3d/?do=findComment&comment=1021069


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