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I fly in bankstown and I would love to help!!!! Let me know what you need xD

Well it's pretty simple really :)

We need photos of every building, tank, sign, hangar, gate, fuel depot - basically anything which needs to be modeled in 3D has to be photographed from all 4 sides (or 1 or 2 sides in the case of signs/gates).

The little image below shows what I mean. Once you have all the JPGs ready to upload, send me a PM and I'll give you an FTP server login address to upload them as a single ZIP file.

Anyone contributing useable photos will get a free copy of the airport, naturally :)


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No Worries ill do my best. My lessons are about once every 3 weeks and ill get all the photos I can. Im with aerospace so the first photos will be from the north. You said once you have 'all' the photos meaning you would like them all at once??

I dont expect any free airport but ill gather everything i can over the next few weeks =D

Let me know if you need anything particular and ill make an effort to get it ASAP.


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