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I did not know there was a separate forum account,if necessary I will do this today.

Latest purchases from Flightsimstores:

FSS0466810 2016-03-07 & FSS044165 2015-12-22

The main reason I installed the steam version of FSX is since upgrading to Windows 10,

I cannot get the Microsoft FSX discs to install on my computer.

Looking forward to any help you can give.


Best regards


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Hello Peter,

No, please don't create a new account.

I was only wondering why you didn't have one already.

Thank you for the order numbers.

As long as FSX Steam is the only FSX version on the PC, the file structure is exactly

the same as FSX disk version.

If you have only FSX Steam Edition installed, then you will be able to install all your

products using the files you have now and installing to FSX.

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Have tried several FTX add ons including trees,SCA & NCA,but cannot get them to work.

Keep getting "Please insert Disc#1 etc." and I am trying to install from the download files I have.

I am nearly at the point of giving up in frustration!

Please give me step by step instructions,otherwise I shall just give up FSX until the Dovetail/ORBX

64 bit flight simulator is introduced later this year?

Best regards

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Hi Peter,

The article that I have pointed you to has been in force as a standard installation procedure for many years. Unzipping all elements of the installer package into a folder you create is the Orbx and FSS installation routine. Users who try to install without unzipping as the article describes will undoubtedly experience "Insert Disk" errors.

As to why FSX:SE for you recently, and not your old FSX Disk version, I do not have a specific answer. Pure Speculation on the issue might suggest that the original FSX/Orbx installation as it had been installed most likely fresh into your original OS Win??? and was extracted prior to install, then proceeded normally. Your recent Upgrade to Win10Pro might have caused a complication, I would also wonder if there were some elements of prior Orbx installations still in existence within your previous OS Temp folder which is where the FSS unwrapper will extract prior to installation into the designated Sim. But this would not negate the need to unzip the package prior to unwrap & installation as per the article IMHO.

Using the install method within the article can you confirm that you nolonger have any "Insert Disk" messages.

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I followed Nick Cooper's advice dated 25th July 2015,although I had uninstalled the disc version of FSX,I did not completely eliminate from registry

(not that I know about registry entries).For this reason the FSX SE was on co-existence mode on my computer.I have now rectified this and FTX SCA ,

NCA & PNW have now installed correctly on FSX SE and was normal installations like in the old set up.

Now I am having problems with the FTX airports,Monterey,Palm Springs & Friday Harbour,but I have seen other members having this problem on thye

forum,so I will investigate further.

With all this drama,I cannot wait for the 64bit Orbx/Dovertail Games new simulator,let us hope it is a lot easier!

Best regards

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Copy that Peter, Co-existence mode does complicate the registry somewhat with regard to FSX /FSX:SE folder paths.


Mmmmmmmmm 64bit, don't misunderstand I think it is a grand idea, but I am old school on the subject. I wouldn't hold my breath on DTG 64bit being the absolute Flight Simming panacea, as with all things new there are many false starts niggles and bugs to be ironed out before it could be defined as the way of the future. Then every FS Dev would need to come up to speed with that new platform. Methuselah only knows how long that will take.  You can be my tester LOL, I imagine I will have given FS away by then. More power to those who can enjoy that sim. Enjoy the 32bit sim while you have it, squeeze every last bit out of it, learn all you can and then discard that knowledge when 64bit comes along. No doubt the RAM manufactures are preparing their bank vaults for the influx of cash from eager Flight Simmers, along with Motherboard and other hardware manufactures looking to supply those whose current hardware will not be up to snuff. OS upgrades will be necessary for some who wish to enable/address of vast quantities of RAM, for to advance the capacity of their new 64bit sims. eg; my OS can address 192GB RAM but my motherboard only has 4 slots, so to max out my slots I would need 4x48Gb RAM modules (they don't exist), total farce!. Even being conservative and adding another 2x8Gb modules of my current RAM to total 32Gb, that's quite an expensive proposition. But still that would do me no good because it is Dual channel and not Quad channel. Looks like the financial elite will be the simmers of the future.

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