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Prepar3D random crash

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Since I reinstalled P3D V3.2 and Orbx Global Pack, my simulator closes itself randomly with no error messages.
I tried reinstalling P3D without Orbx and I is not a problem. I reinstall Orbx and crashes back.
I updated Orbx library, but still the same problem.
If I stay on the ground without moving (around 1:15), I do not crash.
I only crash when I'm flying.


Thanks for your help.

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Do you have more than P3D v3.2 installed? Central showing you sim select options indicates you do. Clarify this question first and then we may be able to assist further.It could be  a matter of directing to the right registry entry or something similar.

Also please tell us what the cause of the crash is by looking in Event Viewer, Windows Logs, Applications where there should be log of the error indicated by a Red circle with a white exclamation mark in the middle. Open that and see what it says and report back.

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After an upgrade of 3D, LM advise to delete files into AppData before launching the program. Default flight saved from previous version often occurs crashes

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After all, these crashes, I preferred to format my PC to have error except that now, Orbx Global is no longer taken into account with P3D Global V3.2.3Orbx moved perfectly without any error message and well stated in the library, but no decor not to change
I do, it's more what to do had you an idea why global Orbx is not taken into account?
Thank you for your help
Diagnostic Reporter : ota634437bbad127b9707488a6261ec8e1






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Also after an upgrade you need to reinstall Global.

Looking at your Scenery Library picture you are missing many entries for your OLC installations. You should have 10 entries for OLC Europe (including Base) and 2 for North America but you only have 1 for EU and 1 for NA plus OpenLC Base. This is not correct. You need to reinstall your 2 OLC downloads.

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