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Grey textures

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P3d v3.2.3


ORBX Wales - Libs up to date


I was flying over ORBX wales at dusk tonight and I spotted these textures that looked out of place. The textures look like they've had all the colour sucked out of them. This happened all over Wales in patches.





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Hi there,


it's difficult to tell without coordinates and a specific date but it looks like the different textures are at higher elevations which means they still show the winter variants while the lower altitudes show spring colors. Try changing the date to April or May to check.


Cheers, Holger

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  • 2 weeks later...
44 minutes ago, bountyhunter said:

i have the same problem and yes if you move the date it fixes it


Snow line for the open fields.  Looks like they are catching light just right to brighten them up.    Seen it in most areas of the world which has this trend of transition from winter to early spring.


Larry @ Eagle Valley Air aka Pappy

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