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Installing Orbx FTX England to FSX steam

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I have FSX Steam installed on my second (d) drive. This is the second installation as I had a disk failure after the first installation. Orbx FTX England (and others) was installed successfully on the first drive. But now trying to install it on the replacement drive the installer gets as far as asking for the Flight Sim version that it is to install to. Here it stops as there are no selectable choices. I do not seem able to tell the installer the location of my FSX installation.

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Hello and welcome to the forums.

The installer is looking for the registry entry for your simulator and finds none.

You can visit this page , download the FSX Registry Utility and use it to set

the correct location for your installation of FSX Steam Edition.

When you have done that, the drop down menu in the installer will include FSX.


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