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FTX ENGLAND texture problem


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I am new to ORBX products and I recently bought FTX England from the Flight Sim Store. I installed it into a fresh install of FSX:SE and then I went to fly and I saw yellow textures covering most of the map. 

Also when it is night time there are no lights.


In the FSX:SE Scenery library there are 5 different things for me to tick:












At the moment all five are ticked and they are in that order in my Scenery Library.




Any ideas would be much appreciated so I can enjoy this product.






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That looks pretty much like the EU region not being active. First thing I would try cycling between regions (EU and Global/Default) in FTX Central 2 at least once and seeing if that resolves the issue.


Kind regards, Michael

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I'm not quite sure what you mean, does that mean I need FTX Global, as I said I am new so I don't quite understand how all the products work.

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After installing the ORBX Libs (install always the most recent version from https://fullterrain.com/support after any other ORBX products) you should have an FTX Central 2 Icon on your desktop. Just doubleclick it. On the l.h.s. you will find "Europe"  and "Default" entries. Cycle once between them using "Apply group". Finally apply Europe


No, you don't need FTX Global to use England.


FTX Central 2 contains a link (at the lower left) to an excellent Guide which explains all the details of ORBX products and how to use them, 


Kind regards, Michael

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Thank you so much, it has worked. I'm taking a look at that guide and it seems to explain a lot so I will go into more depth now.


Thanks for your time,



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