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What happend to my dry lake bed?

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How do I return the default land class provided by FSX Acceleration in which glc has seem to over written. My only problem with orbx is (they) seem to change random land class areas with a sweeping brush.  Mostly military airports. ksuu kedw etc...HIGHLEY UNREALISTIC. So if anyone knows what the default file is perhaps I can pull it off the disk and re insert. Or, maybe deactivate the landclass put forth by orbx.  Everything else by orbx.....OUTSTANDING!!!


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Hi there,


not sure what you mean by "to change random land class areas with a sweeping brush" or in regards to the military airports but you can manually deactivate the openLC entries ("ORBX!OPENLC_...") in the scenery library menu at any time, which will revert to the default global landclass file being used (outside of FTX Regions like PNW etc.).


Cheers, Holger

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7 hours ago, Holger Sandmann said:
7 hours ago, Holger Sandmann said:

Hi there,


not sure what you mean by "to change random land class areas with a sweeping brush" or in regards to the military airports but you can manually deactivate the openLC entries ("ORBX!OPENLC_...") in the scenery library menu at any time, which will revert to the default global landclass file being used (outside of FTX Regions like PNW etc.).


Cheers, Holger

Hi there,


not sure what you mean by "to change random land class areas with a sweeping brush" or in regards to the military airports but you can manually deactivate the openLC entries ("ORBX!OPENLC_...") in the scenery library menu at any time, which will revert to the default global landclass file being used (outside of FTX Regions like PNW etc.).


Cheers, Holger

Thanks Mr Sandmann. That is a good suggestion, but Im only looking to restore the area around kedw,. Im specifically interested in only the land class at Edwards AFB.           I don't want to disable the entire LC because its so beautiful. Just returning the dry lake bed back at Edwards. I'll continue to maybe turning off certain bgl in the root orbx folder to see if this works.

btw, big fan of your work. Have been for many years. 


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Hi there,


thanks for the kind words!


If you have Acceleration then you should have the default photoreal coverage of the lake area, which will take precedence over any landclass files, as long as it's active. Check for the Edwards_AFB entry in your scenery library menu.


Cheers, Holger



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Yes, I have Acceleration. It is (Checked) as being active, but still no joy. My next move is perhaps extrapolating the org file from the boxed FSX Acceleration disk. I do have Orbx Vector as I forgot to mention that. Thanks you so much for the reply's and suggestions. They were very helpful. I will continue on in trying to figure this out.

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