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KPSP runway textures.

Double J

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Running FSX have the runway lights at 100% which are also incredibly dim everything is up to date.  Anybody have a fix for this along with this thread that's marked answered but doesn't have an answer?  Not running DX 10


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G'day DoubleJ,


These are two unrelated issues so I'll address them in order;


1. Unfortunately some aircraft landing lights combos don't always "agree" with the drawing order of some HD ground polys... many aircraft don't have any problems at all, some have minor problems and so forth. Also, how these GPs are displayed at night varies depending on whether you are running DX9 or DX10 - if you run DX10, make sure your shaders are up-to-date to minimise any clash issues. I notice you've done a bit of research on the forums on the issue, but may have missed the most recent discussion which is worth a read - see here

2. There is a bug in the control panel, in that the 100% option inadvertently calls the lowest 50% option - 85% is your best bet. However that being said, I've totally revamped the runway lighting for KPSP, which will be included in the upcoming SCA compatibility patch. 




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