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Error message at Control Panel

allan prewett

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I only ever fly in NA, but recently with my folks over, they wanted to see there area of NSW - Australia.

So I set Oceania etc.

I then wanted to show them some of NA and just did a flight from Stewart, but it would only let me take of from the Active RW and I had no Flow objects.

I did not have time to worry about that. But now I am setting up another flight from 2w3, and again, I only had an option for runways no parking.

I have gone into the Configure menu and nothing is selected.

When I try to select anything I get a red box with a message related to what I am trying to select; example

Error settting 3D Grass Level 2 to on

Both onPath and offPath don't exist for file: ORBX\FTX_NA\FTX_AA_2W3\Scenery\ORBX_2W3_PLC_ariport_grass_2_ObjectFlow.xmlORBX\FTX_NA\FTX_AA_2W3\Scenery



I tried reloading Libraries, with no change.

Any help would be great, as they are only hear for another few days and we had some more flying to do - my wife takes no interest in my hobby, but my folks love flying.



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Further investigating.

When I open the Scenery folder for 2W3 in ORBX/FSX, it is empty.

Thinking this was odd, I checked another Airport at random and they have a bunch of files in the Folder.

I also checked Stewart and it has files, but as mentioned, I was only given runways as options for taking off, and not sure if there should be people there, but there was none.



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These are the selections I get.  I selected "2" and found my self parked on the grass in front of a garage-like structure, next to a dirt road that borders the runway.  Nice scene!  You can even park your airplane inside the garage.  Nothing is mucked up as far as I can see.

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Ohh, when you mentioned selecting 2, I figured you where talking about a parking space!

Do you mean you can select 2 and get a parking space or does it say Parking 2 Ramp...?

As I mentioned above, FSX was giving me;


1 Helipad





Parking 1 Ramp GA small


I figured the other than the last, the rest where runaways, that don't exist at that Airport.

I will go back and see what happens.



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I guess we would have to ask the airport designer that question.  The same thing occurs at Ketchikan PAKT--there is ramp parking and then there is gate parking designated by "2" and "3" (I think--it's been awhile).  There are static airliners that occupy their own gate parking.  That's the way the designer designed his airport.  Ketchikan has sloped taxiways and it's impossible for AI aircraft to taxi to the gates there, so the player's aircraft has to be treated special and assigned his own gates for parking.  With this small airstrip, I'm not sure why the parking is assigned the way it is.

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